Look Dakota pipeline protest with Astromap



THe protest of North Dakota pipeline become focus of media from this summer and this protest just getting bigger, Some protest also happen in New York.

The Standing Rock protesters in North Dakota have been fighint the pipeline since April but were dealt a blow end of October when police successfully pushed them off the property where construction is rapidly advancing.

By exam the Astromaps of this area you will find the amazing of astrological symblo

In the Astromap of Solar Eclipse September 2016, Uranus Mc line is near this area, Uranus is a symbol of rebelling, revolution and unsettle, it also has meanign of cut off. More interesting if we draw Local Space map from White house you will find the Saturn LS line also cross this area. Blockege ,against and delay is what Saturn suggest.


The Astromap of Lunar Eclipse in Setember 2016 have Jupiter Mc, Saturn As in this area, Jupiter is symbol of develop and Saturn take things down, Jupiter is idea and Saturn is reality, the native in this area are caught in between.  The Pluto LS line from DC suggest the angry and anxiety of this rea tower to White House.



The Astromap of  Libra ingress has similar flavour, Uranus Ds line pass this area and Sun, Jupiter Uranus Ls lines from DC pass here too. This maybe bring the supporters and media’s focus to this area.


If we look at Astromap of Capricorn ingress we will totally understand that they really has determination to fight trhourgh winter as Mars Ic line right above this area, Mars give strength  to protect  their land but also suggest conflict maybe gettting bigger.


Obama himself also have Saturn Mc line and Neptune Dsc line near this area. Although it is end of his term but this conflict maybe will ruin his reputation if he does not handle it carefully.



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Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.