Local Space map and airplane crash

 In Astro locality skill Local space is as important as ACG and Geodetic map , it also reveal that energy direction of one place and one particular moment . Astrologer who use Astro map skill usually draw a Local space line and see what kind energy  from which direction .

It is very easy sometime you even don’t need a map , if Jupiter is on your Ascendent or Descendent , then on the Local space map you will have Jupiter Local Space (LS) line across the place you were born. This suggest you will receive Jupiter’s energy either from East or West and if this Line pass by a city let us say New York you will have Jovian experience ( Jupiter ’s influence ) with people or things from this place .

While I am study Astro locality and Air disaster events i apply lots of different of astro mapping skill. Local Space line is one of it . I suppose that both arrival city and departure city have most passenger on board and they receive energy from either departure place or where plan crashed . I use this idea on few different airplane crash it shows very interesting result . I first draw Solar and  Lunar Eclipse chart from the place where airplane suppose to arrive and use Local Space map to find the link between departure city or where airplane has been found. 

4U 9525

First example is Germanwings 4U9525, the Solar Eclipse on Dusseldorf has Uranus and Sun Moon near MC , Mercury Neptune Chiron in 9th , if we draw astro map according to this chat . The Local Space Mercury Neptune and Chiron was between Barcelona to Dusseldorf . 


Lunar Eclipse on 4th April is also very strong , Uranus on Mc and Jupiter on Asc . On the Local space map of Lunar Eclipse Mercury and Node pass by Barcelona but Uranus pass by French Alps area.4ule



AF 447 flew from Rio to Paris , most passengers were French , if we use Lunar Eclipse LS map we will see several planet LS lines ( Mars Jupiter Neptune Chiron) linking between Brazil and Paris   . The Solar Eclipse on 22 July 2009 has Pluto link between Brazil and Paris



Last year same time on 8th of March the MH370 was disappeared near indian ocean , flight was support fly from Kuala Lumper to Beijing. The Solar Eclipse on 3rd November 2013 Neptune  LS line and Chiron LS line link between Beijing and Kuala Lumper and Mars LS line link between south indian ocean (where find debris ) to Beijing .




The Lunar Eclipse before MH17 crash is 15 April 2014, the Saturn Local Space line from Kuala Lumper go pass by South East Ukraine where Airplane has been attacked . 


I have to make a clear point i do not exclude ACG line or other tech but in this study I only focus on LS line and arrival city . What I want to say is I will always careful with place where have outer planets on the angle ( where outer planets ACG lines pass on the map ) . For example the Solar Eclipse on 29 April has no outer planet LS line between Ukraine and Kuala Lumper  but Pluto DSC and Jupiter ASCGeodetic lines pass by the  area where  airplane crash it gave us another indication ( or warning ) of this area . Also the Geodetic Pluto Uranus are always near Malaysia suggest unsettle of this area too. 


Another idea is Ingress chart, this is also important timing for mundane events , I dry both Cancer Ingress 2014 before MH17 event there are Mars move from /to Kuala Lumper and Ukrainemh17cni  447ari

 , and Aries Ingress 2009 before AF447 crash Chiron Jupiter and Node LS was pass between Rio and Paris . This maybe need more study on it .

Germanwings 9525 crashes in French Alps

According news a Germanwings flight 4U 9525 has crashed near French Alps near   Digne-les-Bains arean on 24th March 2015 . This flight departure from Barcelona at 10:01 am  schedule arrive on Dusseldorf  on 11:39 am Local time. flight data from http://uk.flightaware.com/live/flight/GWI9525



As astrologer we know this moment is not a quiet time as we are near Solar Eclipse and still during Moon Wobble period.

As this Eclipse can be seen in Europe the influence could be direct and strong.  The Solar Eclipse has Sun Moon in 29 Pisces and Ruler Jupiter in 13 degrees Leo 。

If we cast chart from Barcelona Jupiter near Ic .  There is no angular planet near the Asc/Dsc and Mc/IC Axis. I would like to point out that Saturn just turn retrograde from Station on 4 Sagittarius  , last July when Saturn Uranus station we had 3 airplanes crashed .  


Aries Ingress 

If we check Aries Ingress chart we will see Mercury conjunct Chiron and Neptune near IC of Dusseldorf and Barcelona . It is very often that outer planet conjunct the angles in the Ingress chart and Eclipse chart  when the huge mundane events happened at that time. 


Company chart 


Germanwings found on 27 Oct 2002 if we use midnight chart have 13 degree Aries where transit Uranus is there, the Saturn in on 29 degrees of Gemini square by Solar Eclipse , transiting Saturn is just turn retrograde on 4 degree Sagittarius near company’s South Node  .

Country chart 

I don’t know what Germany ’s chart would German Astrologer use , I check the book of world horoscope and find few different charts . The  Federal Republic of Germany and constitution were set up on 23 May 1949 and East West Germany were united on 3rd Oct 1990 . I try to look both Charts and they all mean something , however if anyone would like to give some advise about what chart of Germany you use , I will really happy to know .


1949 chart  have 5 degree Libra ascendent and Eclipse point is very close to Dsc and it square 1949 charts Uranus ( 28 Gemini ) in 9th . 1949 chart has retrograde Mercury on 17Gemini in 9th House and transiting Chiron square it with 1 degree orb. Transiting Saturn conjunct 1949’s Chiron on 3rd house cusp and  opposite 1949’s Sun right on 3-9 House cusps.  


Unification chart 1990 has 4 degree Leo Asc and 10 degrees Aries Mc , transiting Uranus and South Node is very close to MC  . 1990’s chart has Mercury on 25 Virgo opposite by Eclipse point . Transiting Chiron exact conjunct  the 1990’s Moon in 9th ,transiting Pluto is conjunct Neptune and Saturn . 

Take off chart 


I don’t really think taking off chart give much  information and not very useful for forecasting and prediction. According radar record 4U 9529 was schedule on 9:35 am but take off on 10:01 am, take off chart has Jupiter ( Eclipse ruler ) on IC and Saturn on Dsc . It is very interesting to know that Saturn just turn  retrograde .

ON the Astromap of take off chart 4U 9529 was flew along the LS Pluto line . 


The Eclipse chart has no any outer planet near this area however the Geodetic map suggest that Geodetic Pluto is on 180 miles away from Barcelona , Uranus is 400 miles away from where we lost contact with Germanwings 4U 9529. 


An astrological study of the Solar Eclipse on 20 March 2015

This year we have a Solar Eclipse on 20 March and perhaps I can see it in London if there is good weather (wish me good luck). However ancient astrologers  may not have been happy to see a Solar Eclipse as they were usually considered to be a predictor of tragic events.


Water , Fire , Celebrities, United Kingdom  

Sun and Moon on water sign suggests the event could link with water, sea and flooding. The ruler of Eclipse is Jupiter in Leo, as Leo is a fire sign this suggests the wild fire and war may cause big problems.   Leo rules important people which suggests the country leaders and famous people, especially the Royal family, are going to face challenges.

United Kingdom is one of the countries that is going to be affected by this solar eclipse, not only is it located in the Solar Eclipse zone, also the 29 degrees of Pisces is important for UK. 

UK’s 1066 chart have Moon in 29 Pisces and this should not be ignored.  Maybe a new cycle of British Royal family going to begin, and we can expect a big change in the British Royal family.  Dramatic Political change in UK may be another effect,  as UK has a general election in May, the Eclipse point on 1066 chart’s Moon could indicate a dramatic change. Moon rules 1066 chart’s IC, repent opposition party, lands, house price, people’s need , food and agriculture, these are all areas to  focus on. 


Where else ? Astromap and Geodetic map indication  

According the ancient rules, the northern Europe (UK,  Ireland and North Europe countries ) may face a huge impact immediately, especially as Pluto is right on Norway-Sweden area’s Dsc , if we use Astro map we can see it very clearly that Pluto Ds line passes Oslo and Stockholm and Neptune Mc line is also next to Stockholm.  This means that if you draw a Solar Eclipse chart using Stockholm as the location, you will see Neptune on Mc and Pluto on Dsc. This will be the place experiencing huge solar eclipse energy. 


 Iceland is near the Solar Eclipse zone and it has Transit Saturn on Mc during Solar Eclipse, Saturn was station right on MC before Solar Eclipse this suggest important shifting  for power , Transiting Pluto is conjunct on Iceland Mars, Solar Eclipse point on Iceland ’s Chiron , this suggest Iceland could be another place where  we have to pay more attention .



Now let us look at other areas on the Astro map:  Spain, Portugal (which has Des on 28 Pisces in country chart ), Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran,  Syria (where unsettle as IS takes over), Iraq, Omen, Saudi Arabia.  Iran and almost whole Middle East has outer planet on Angle in Solar Eclipse chart . Most West African countries have Saturn on Descendent of Solar Eclipse chart.

China and SE Asia countries have Neptune Chiron Saturn.  As Neptune and Saturn are going to Square this year, an economic slowdown may come into effect in this area after Spring 2015.  Transiting Saturn is stationary on China’s Natal Chiron in 10th House weakness of this country should be careful  ,  Australia is another hot spot of this Eclipse, Mars cross there, could it suggest a wild fire or some other shocking event?

East coast of America (US and Canada) has Saturn, west coast has Mars Uranus effect which is not to be ignored,  as recently several cases suggest, US people are against their police force  abusing their power.  Brazil is another country that will be unsettled this year. 


Geodetic map is another useful skill, as outer planet move slowly on Geodetic map , this give us a clear idea about where in the world we should be careful.  It shows Eclipse degree is on UK.  Uranus and Mars are going to affect East Europe. 

New York and east coast of US, Haiti, Colombia and Chile are going to experience Pluto energy and should be aware that a big crisis could happen in that area. In Asia Geodetic Pluto and Uranus is already having a huge impact in South East Asia since last year: Malaysia had an Air plane crash and political issue.  Mars line passes by Beijing and Hong Kong indicative that danger, violence, political unsettlement and struggle could happen in this area.      

This article was written for online mundane astrological magazine INFINITY found by Smiljana Gavrancic , so I only post small part of it and if you are interested in this article , I will post the link once INFINITY is published .

A brief study of 2015 Saturn Stationary  on 14 Sg 55

Outer planet stationary usually has powerful impact on Mundane event from Political to Economic . Most financial astrologer observe the unsettle of  financial market during the period when outer planet change direction and stationary. In March 2015 Saturn will stationary on  4 degrees 55 Sagittarius from 11th March to 19th March and we all know that  an Eclipse  will happen on 20th March also this is the time of last Uranus Pluto exact square (trigger by Mars )  . What does this mean ? Where going to be effected ? I am very very curious . I would like to study the last Stationary on 2014 and to see what we can learn from there.

Last year most powerful stationary was happened on 20-21 Jul when both Saturn and Uranus station together.   Saturn was station on 16 degree of Scorpio and Uranus was stationary on 16 degree of Aries .

During that time we were focus on Russia Ukraine conflict , at sometime international criticise about  Israel strike on Palestine school and civilian area .  If we check Ukraine independent chart on 1 Dec 1991 we will find Moon on 17 Libra opposite Uranus station degree . The Ukraine proclaim  independent chart have 13 Scorpio and Pluto on 17 Scorpio  where stationary Saturn right above .

Israel has south Node on 14 Scorpio and Palestine proclaim independent chart has 8 degree Libra Asc , stationary Uranus near Descendent and opposite Chart ruler Venus on 19 Libra . Station Saturn was on 16 Scorpio conjunct Palestine ’s Pluto Mercury Sun stellium in Scorpio. 


2014 was not  a good year of Malaysia Airlines , after MH370 disappeared on 8th of March , another flight MH17 was crushed near Ukraine Russia border by attacked by missile . Malaysia ’s chart has Jupiter retrograde on 17 degree Aries where transiting stationary Uranus located . Malaysia airline has two founded time 21 May 1946 has Mercury on 13 Aries and 1 Oct 1972 chart has Chiron on 15 degree Aries opposite Mercury on 15 Libra and Uranus on 17 Libra, both chart has planet near 16 Aries where Uranus stationary . 


Another Asian airline also have airplane crushed on 22 July 2014 . TransAsia airway ,a Taiwanese airline, has an airplane  crushed on 22 July 2014 ( TransAsia also other airplane crushed on 4 Feb 2015  )This company was founded 21 May 1951,  has Mc on 16 Scorpio and Moon on 20 Scorpio. 


Very interesting that both stationary Planets were locate on Mars ruler sign on 20-21 Jul 2014, and all the area affected has Mars influence on Geodetic map . Could this suggest the ruler of Stationary planet play an  important role ? 

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From these data I suspect that Countries and Organisation which has planet or As/Mc Axis near  degree near transiting outer planet stationary are easily affect by that Planet . So I have use Data bank to list those countries which has Sun Moon Asc Mc Axis near 4 degree Sg.

Sri lanka independent  chart has Moon on 4 degree Sg, Latvia Ukraine , UAE , Mexico constitution chart have all have Moon opposite 4 degree Sg.

Dominican rep, Ukraine, UAE, Lebanon has the Sun near 4 degree Sg. 

Burma , China ( 21 Sep 1949 ) , Costa Rica , Croatia . Irland ,Vietnam have Ascendent near 4 degree Sg and Japan Meji constitution ,  Indonesia , Singapore , Spain all will have Stationary Saturn near Descendent  . 


China ( 1 Oct  1949) , Dominican Republic , South Africa, Lebanon   , Iceland all have Mc near 4 degrees Sg.


I am very new of Geodetic map but this technic  always surprise me , so I draw a map of  Geodetic outer Planet location ( includes Mars ) of this time and this maybe give us some idea about affected areas , those location should be careful observe  as 20 March 2015 Solar Eclipse is also not far from now . 
