Train crash in Hualien, Taiwan 2nd April

Image from EBC New Taiwan

This event happened at 9:28 am Local time, location Xiuline Hualien  ( 24N12, 121 E40 ), 51 people killed in this incident. It is a national holiday in Taiwan, the Tomb Sweeping festival people are travelling home to join their family for this festival to pay their respects to ancestors.

If you want to publish your research base on the data and the time I found, please at least mention the resource is from me, I am not just “ another in another group”

The event chart has 16º Sagittarius rising and  Mars rising on the ascendent, the Moon is near Dec opposite Mars. Mars was aligned with fixed stars Rigel, Orion’s feet, according Ptolemy, this fixed star has Jupiter, Saturn nature and related to renown and inventive or mechanical ability. Mercury semi square Saturn.

According Taiwan railway company’s data the departure time of ” Taruko 408 ” is 7:16 am from Shulin, Taipei. The departure time’s chart has Uranus on Ascendent , Pluto on M.C, The Local space Saturn line pass by where the incident happened. The moon rules 3rd house, in 10 º Sagittarius, 8th house opposite Mars, Moon also aligns with fixed stars Antares, the heart of Scorpion.

Fixed Stars Ankka was rising when the train departed from Taipei.

June 2020 Solar Eclipse

Notice Hualien is pretty close to the tropic of cancer and also remember we have June 2020 Solar Eclipse right at 0 º Cancer , in this Chart We have Uranus on Ds, Saturn near I.C Mars conjunct Neptune Mars square New Moon. Mercury rulers 8th house in the Eclipse chart square by the Sun and Venus from event chart.

The Mercury in the Event Chart is located at 26 Pisces conjunct Mars in the Jun 2020 Eclipse square New Moon in the Eclipse chart.

Solar Eclipse on 15 Dec 2020

The Solar Eclipse on 15 Dec 2020

The Solar Eclipse on 15 Dec has New Moon on 23 Sagittarius conjunct Mercury, opposite by the Mars from the Event chart and form a mutable T-square with Neptune in the Dec 2020 Eclipse chart.

The Solar Eclipse on 15 Dec has New Moon on 23 Sagittarius square by recent new Moon on 13 March. Venus on December Solar Eclipse chart at 3rd house cusp also square by Mercury from New Moon chart. Mars New Moon chart square Pluto in the Dec 2020 Solar Eclipse chart.

The recent full moon chart in Hualien has Saturn conjunct Ascendent square Uranus from 3rd house. 

If I use location to Taipei capital of Taiwan we can see Mars LS ( local space ) line goes to where accident happened.