Ingress of Jupiter into Libra


Jupiter will ingress into Libra at BST 12:18 on 9th Sep 2016 . Some may feel relieved when they hear that Jupiter finally leaves Virgo, but I wonder if it is a wild feeling only – the recent placements of planets are truly a wild one!


When Jupiter leaves Virgo, those attributes that Jupiter symbolises – faith, philosophy, development – undoubtedly will have certain uplift. Traditionally, the moist and warm nature of Jupiter is not compatible with the dry and cold nature of Virgo; therefore, when it ingresses into Libra, which is an Air sign, at least it is going into a more compatible and similar circumstance which is moist and hot (in traditional astrology, the nature of Air resembles a moist and hot climatic environment), which somehow helps those entities and issues governed by Jupiter; perhaps this ingress indicates that our plans and development will be more compatible to the surroundings.

Libra is of Air element, which symbolises air, storms and even respiration. Traditional astrology and humorism believes that it is related to sanguine (blood), one of the four temperaments. The red, hot and moist blood warms our body while its circulation sends oxygen to the organs brings away wastes – mobility and exchange thus become what blood represents. All 3 Air signs are human signs. It also accounts for why the three Air signs symbolise inter-personal relationship and interaction. Libra emphasises interaction and communication between people, not to mention equality, fairness and justice. Libra is always law-abiding, so one may wonder if the voice from other groups would be heard and respected in such situation.

In relationships, Libra also emphasises the interaction within. When it comes to interaction, competition and cooperation, Libra underlines that a fair basis is a must. It also symbolises partnerships, so its ingress into Libra may bring forth development and changes to such kind of relationships or on the system of relationship itself in the community.

If you want good luck, follow Jupiter. Jupiter in Libra gives us advice concerning development and growth; in the upcoming year, whether we respect others and treat others fairly, whether we pay our attention to law and justice system, and whether we show our respect on partnerships and co-operations may become the key to a smooth further development. Libra, which is ruled by Venus, also reminds us that we should always look up to this goddess planet when we are not proceeding smoothly or when we lack incentive to move on at work or in our study, and she will always remind you where your value lies. When you remember what you value and what you love, go back to chase after Jupiter and you will find that your development seems to become smoother.

Jupiter will be in Libra till 10th Oct, 2017. It will station on 6th Feb and start to retrograde, and it will station again on 9th Jun and turn to direct motion. During its retrogradation, progress of projects and developments, especially those related to relationships, interactions, negotiations, conferences and law, will slow down. Similarly, in times like this, I would invite you to go back to your natal Venus and observe – the sign of transit Venus and natal Venus might both inspire us in some ways. Let us go back and review our plans, projects and progress during Jupiter retrograde, and see if there is anything that needs to be tuned so that we can move forward efficiently when Jupiter turn to direct once again.

Besides, Jupiter may form sextiles with Saturn during its stay in Libra, and the dates will be from 24th Oct 2016 to 26th Feb 2017, and from 5th Aug to 20th Sep 2017. This aspect may stimulate and help social development, political and economical situation (Don’t get too hyper since it may also symbolise government intervention on financial market. Let’s consider in what circumstances would a government intervene the financial market … eh?) Jupiter-Saturn sextile symbolises those practical adjustment in development plans or some flexible adjustments. Libra, where Jupiter will be in, is the sign where Saturn is exalted, and Sagittarius, where Saturn is in, is ruled by Jupiter. We can see this as a kind of mutual reception, symbolising the planets helping each other and the case of reception – the effect will become even more obvious when they actually form an aspect in these two signs. Your plans and projects, or the development schemes of the government may manifest certain improvement, but we should also remember that the progress has to be controlled very carefully (a very Saturnian feature).

I would like to give special thanks to Christian Konig for beautiful Photo and Brian Fung for translating editing help.