China under Uranus square Pluto Part I. Mainland China

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While the world worries about US, Russia and Ukraine there are still lots of other conflicts in the World: Thailand, Turkey, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and even China. Yes, while the Chinese President visits the EU, a huge protest is happening in South China and there is no media daring to report it. Why?   The answer is easy, if any media reports it, their reporter will be kicked out of China, their website closed down and they will never be able to run their business in China. That is why there is silence from the European media.  They know, but their owners and sponsors perhaps do not want to lose their gifts from the Chinese President. So shush.

Interestingly we hardly talk about China. We care about the Ukrainian protests. We worry about a possible US Russia conflict.  We heard about the Venezuelan protests against their government.  But when we talk about China, the only thing we know is the Chinese takeaway on the corner (which is more often run by Malaysians with a south Asian chef). We also know that most of things we use are made in China as there is cheap labourer, from clothes to PCs,  iPhones, bikes and toys.  Several years ago a lady tried to avoid buying products made in China and noticed how difficult it was .


Some people know that China is a totalitarian state, the communist is the only party and runs the government. Before we talk about How Uranus Pluto affects China we better have very quick review of Modern Chinese History .


China ( Mainland )

Modern China was founded in 1912 , after the success of the Chinese revolution lead by Dr Sun Yes-Sen and his Nationalist party became the government of what was then called the Republic of China (R.O.C)

However several parts of China were still ruled by  military dictators. The Nationalist government fought to unify the country at same time as the huge challenges of   World War II and the corruption of some government members. These problems lead to another revolution from the Chinese communist party, who took control of Mainland China in 1949.  Thus the People’s Republic of China ( P.R.C ), the China we know today, came into existence.



Taiwan is a island near South East China , it used to be part of China in 17th century and became a Japanese colony from 1895-1945. After WWII,  China (ruled by Nationalist Party) took back Taiwan and the Nationalist party and their followers  went to Taiwan after defeat by the Communists on the mainland.

There are three main groups of people in Taiwan: the Chinese who arrived before 1949 we can call Taiwanese; people come around 1949 with Nationalist party we can call Mainlanders; and a small number of Pacific aborigines who have inhabited Taiwan for centuries  but after the arrival of  the two waves of Chinese people they lost power and had a lot of challenges in their life.


Hong Kong

Hong Kong was a small fishing village in South China  which became a British colony from 1842 until its return to China in 1997. At the time of the return, the people of Hong Kong and the British government were worried about a totalitarian regime being imposed. The Chinese government did promise not to change anything in Hong Kong for next 50 years.   As it used to be British colony, it has more freedom than other parts of China but things are changing.


Astrological view of  China

There are two national charts,  I usually use 1st Oct 1949 for Beijing, which works quite well. This chart has:

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5 Aquarius Ascendent

Moon in 3 Aquarius in 12th conjunct Ascendant

Mc on  27 Degree Scorpio

Sun in 7 Libra in 8th house

So/Mo on 5 Sagittarius tight conjunct Chiron with 1 minutes orb

another Midpoint on 20 Cardinal

As/Mc on 1 Capricorn and 16 Fixed signs

Natal Pluto is 1 degree away from As/Mc midpoint

This explains a lot about the image of this country and the caution of other countries , no matter how peaceful they declare they are.


Pluto Mars conjunct Descendant fits the image of their tough diplomat style: conflicts with Japan, India, Taiwan and mostly US.   Mars Pluto rule 9th House together in 7th, which can explain why this country’s is often criticised by others  in regard to Religious affairs , their relationship with Vatican is not good, and the treatment of the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhists is very well known.


Venus Pluto form a tight Square:  The country has an infamous problem with corruption (another indication is  Second House ruler Jupiter square Neptune, co ruler Neptune sextile Pluto). Venus also rules IC, indicating opposition party and people. We know that China has been criticised for its poor human rights record. .


Democracy? I think Aquarius Asc and Moon in China’s chart is more about republicanism, sorry if you do not agree but we can not ignore the Moon Chiron Uranus form a Yod in which Uranus is apex. Separation of land, independence of Tibet, Taiwan, Xinjian, and People’s Freedom are huge issues for this Country.


Tiananmen protest

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I hope we never forget the 1989 Tianamen square protest. From April 1898 chinese students held a sit-in in Tinanmen square to protest about corruption and economic problems.  The protesters asked for democracy and more open economic policy.  During two months of protest, citizens joined and held strikes throughout China.  In June, the Chinese government decided to crack down on the protest, injuring 2000 citizens and killing more than 200.  We still do not know he exact number of death as this subject is still taboo in China.  Lots of protest leaders were sent to prison but some protesters escaped with help from Hong Kong and Overseas Chinese people.

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That year’s, Beijing Aries ingress chart has:

Mars 5 degree Gemini (on Natal So/Mo)

Jupiter conjunct Descent

Moon in Virgo conjunct Mc  square Mars

That was about time of Uranus Neptune Saturn triple conjunction

Saturn Neptune sextile each other

Sun Chiron Uranus form a T square trigger Natal As/Mc midpoint

Natal Sun Uranus cardinal square

If we compare this with the Natal chart we should notice that country was in it a half Uranus cycle , a sign of revolution and  protest.

If we look on Solar Eclipse on 8 Mar 1989 , you will find out Uranus Chiron opposition on Ascendent Descent. Sun Moon on 3rd represent students criticism of the government.  Mercury square Mars represents the Massacre of the Students.

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This happened around the Eastern Europe revolutions at the end of the USSR. Although unlike former USSR members, echo on Uranus Pluto square.  However, I find it interesting that China is more likely to resonate with Saturn Neptune aspect and Neptune Pluto, Sun Chiron, Saturn Chiron and Uranus Chiron aspects.

If we look on Astro Map of Solar Eclipse Mar 1989 both En Mundo and Geodetic has Chiron DS line near Beijing. On Lunar Eclipse has Pluto As line 200 miles away from Beijing.




Cultural Revolution, a ten year catastrophe

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Although the protest on 1989 are not related to Uranus Pluto, the famous cultural revolution happened around mid 1960’ when Uranus Pluto conjunct . Many historians call this revolution a cultural catastrophe.  Ancient books were burned.  Scholars were imprisoned.  Schools and Universities were shut down.  No more Yi Jing or Confucius, traditional culture was seen as a poison of the people. Traditional Chinese writing was simplified.    This revolution continued for almost ten years and the revolution destroyed everything which linked with old China.  They believed that by doing this, new China will not been bound by stale minds.  Please bear in mind that there were two million people killed during this time.

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The cultural revolution can been seen as a typical event of Uranus Pluto conjunction with the Solar Eclipse that year on 20 May 1966, having Sun Moon on 28 Taurus  tight conjunct on Natal IC, Uranus Pluto conjunct Natal Saturn which is country’s Chat Ruler. Solar Arc Uranus was on 20 Cancer touching the Nation Chart’s So/Mo.


Uranus square Pluto 2010-2016


As astrologers we already spot lots of Mundane events occurring during the Uranus square Pluto period since 2010: the Jasmine revolution around Tunisia, Egypt and Syria; and the political conflicts of Ukraine, Turkey, Thailand and Venezuela.

The Global economy has suffered and we see occupy wall street protest in US and EU. Economic depression?  You will not notice this if you live in China, as the Chinese economy is just taking off, they have had a few bumps on the way but they think it will be fine. The Chinese government thinks that as long as the economy is running well, people will not think about other problems such as freedom of speech or religious issues.

However there was a small incident that happened in 2011 (Sep-Dec) which could be seen as a turning point for Democracy. People in Wukan (a little village in South China)  were suffering at the hands of corrupt local government, who had sold the people’s land to a corporation  but never gave the money to the people.  The villagers decided to protest, but local government used the police force to crack down.  Some villagers went to appeal in Beijing  but their dead bodies were sent back (this is what happens to Chinese protesters who appeal to Beijing, they are either sent to prison or die).

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The angry villagers took further action and, armed with tools, kicked out the corrupt local council officers.  They voted and elected their local council (usually it is appointed by Beijing).  When the Chinese government sent an armed police force to Wuken, the villagers were prepared with roadblocks and held the police outside the village. Finally the Chinese government was forced to withdraw, firing the former local councillors and permitting the elected councillors to continue to hold the posts. The whole event surprised me as this kind of thing very rarely happens in China.

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We can have some clues if we look on Capricorn ingress chart 2011 with National chart , Moon on natal Mc, Venus on Ascendent conjunct Natal Moon.  Even though Mars on Saturn suggests a conflict, Venus tight sextile with Sun and Uranus suggests this conflict would end peacefully. Also on the Beijing Capricorn ingress chart there is Jupiter on Ascendent. Outer planets transit has Pluto square Natal Sun, and Uranus square Natal Uranus.  Is this a turning point? Could be.


The En Mundo map has Uranus As line and Venus local space line pass by Wuken Geodetic map has Uranus ring on south china near Wuken and Hong Kong area .




Red culture movement and Death of Neil Heywood


In November 2011, British citizen Neil Heywood was found dead in his hotel room near Chendu.   Mr Heywood was a family friend of Bo Xilai’s  (Secretary of Chongqing Communist  Party Committee). Neil Heywood had a tight business relationship with Bo’s family and there was a rumour that Heywood was laundering money for Bo’s family and helped Bo Xilai move large sums of money overseas.


In Feb 2012 Chief officer of Chongqing Police Wan Lijun travelled to the U.S consulate in  Chendu bringing evidence implicating Bo and his family in the murder of Neil Heywood.  This action increased Political tension between America and Beijing. Bo Xilai stepped down and faced justice in April 2012. On 22 September the court found him guilty on all counts, including, accepting bribes and abuses of power, and sentenced him to life imprisonment.


It is interesting to review Bo Xilai’s political career.  He was born on 3 July 1949, the second son of a family of high of ranking military officials in China. Before 2007 he was Minister of Commerce in China.  In October 2007 he was appointed to be the Secretary of Chongqing Communist  Party Committee, for Bo this was not a good promotion as it took him away from the Centre of Power in Beijing.


From  2008 to 2011 he started the Red culture movement which is a Maoist-style campaign to revive ‘red culture’ and improve public morale, promoting of Maoist quotes, ‘red’ songs, revolutionary television programming and operas.  The propaganda used during the 60’s Cultural revolution reappeared in China. It was believed that Bo’s aim was to reunite the left wing of Communist party by this movement, in order to get back into the Centre of Power in Beijing. The peak of this movement was the 90 year anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party in 2011. This re-culture revolution phenomena ended when Bo Xilai stepped down .


From the Astrologer’s view this makes sense as the Cultural revolution occurred during the 1960s when Uranus Pluto conjunct and it reappeared when Uranus Pluto square so this reoccurrence was not an accident.

Bo Xilai has Uranus on 1 degree Cancer right on Cha’s As/Mc midpoint , His Pluto tight conjunct another AS/Mc midpoint, interestingly he was born same year as P.R.C was founded, his Uranus Pluto both tight Conjunct P.R.C ’s As/Mc point and he started the re-culture revolution movement during Uranus Pluto square and being the one who is now known by the world to be involved with the murder of Neil Heywood.  This shows everyone how corrupt some officials in China could be.

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If we look at Solar Eclipse of November 2012 we will spot that both En Mundo and Geodetic map has Saturn pass by Chongqing where Bo Xilai rise re red culture movement and where Neil Heywood be killed  .

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In the 2012 Capricorn ingress map , Uranus Ds line pass by  Chongqing and local space line has Neptune Chiron was near by ( Heywood was killed with poison) .



2014 was not  quiet for China , in the beginning of the year a terrorist attack happened in Kunming, South China,  29 people died and 150 people were injured.  Then one week later, Malaysian airline  MH470 from Kuala Lumper to Beijing was lost in the Indian Ocean , this aircraft had more than 150 Chinese passengers and so far the reason for the loss remains unknown, although debris has been spotted in the south Indian ocean around the coordinates 90E 45S.


In March 2014, in another city in South China, Maoming, a Petrochemical industrial city erupted in another protest, while the World’s media were focused on Ukraine and Crimea. Local government and the Petrochemical Corporation were building a factory to produce p-Xylene.  Local people are against this as they think this will harm the local environment and cause air pollution.  At the moment, there is no news of this protest as the media is censored and foreign media get little information from inside China.  The protest started around 30 March and still going on.  There is information that the whole city has been surrounded and is under military control at the moment with eight protesters killed and hundreds injured:

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Neptune on descent of  29 Apr 2014 Solar Eclipse chart , Mars Jupiter Uranus Pluto grand cross pick up Natal Node axis and Natal Neptune Mercury conjunction, transiting Neptune is on 5 degree of Pisces right on China’s So/Mo.  What else could represent Air Pollution than Neptune (air pollution is a serious issue in China at the moment).  Will this protest spread to other places?



Astromap of Solar Eclipse April 2014 has Neptune line cross south east china , and if we switch to Geodetic mode it will be even closer only 140 miles from the current protest centre, Maoming city. The Pluto line crosses Kunming where the terrorist attacks happened in February.

14 EN 

If we look on the same map Pluto IC line goes south, passing Kuala Lumper where the unfortunate flight MH370 took off and if we look carefully we find the location of the MH 370 debris is on the Indian Ocean where Geodetic Pluto Ds line and Jupiter As line passes.  In En Mundo system the place of 45 S 90E was exact Pluto Ds line and Jupiter As line cross with Mercury Mc Sun Mc and Moon Mc line.



EN Mundo





En Mondon ACG Map according 2014 Aries Ingress chart has Chiron-IC Jupiter-Ds Paran around the coordinates 90E 45S , Neptune IC and Pluto -As still around .

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2014- 2016

Will China stay peaceful under Uranus Pluto square?  I don’t really think so, I don’t want to predict any event as I expect the universe will work in its own way but I have to point out that Uranus Pluto square will continue to pick up China’s Mercury and Neptune conjunction and both 2015 April Lunar Eclipse and Mars 2016 Lunar Eclipse chart have Mars on Horizon; Solar Eclipse on 2015 Sept has Pluto conjunct Asc, Lunar Eclipse on Sep 2015 has Saturn on Asc.  On the 2015 March Solar Eclipse Chart Saturn on 4 degree 58 Sagittarius very close to Natal Chiron and So/ Mo mid point, Mars on 20 degree Aries where there is also another So/Mo midpoint.  Which I have some concern with regards to pollution; economic and religious issues in China. Either Mars or Pluto on the Horizon are not easy tasks to deal with.

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I would like to look at the Hong Kong and Taiwan situation separately in the next article.

Something about Japan 2014


Soon the Sun will move into Aries , it is a begin of new cycle from astrological view. On 21st of March the Sun will cast it light right on Equator , this make day time and night are equal , we call it Vernal Equinox. Astrologers do believe that strong energy bring coming down to Earth from Universe on this day . We better get ready for new things, carry out our new plan. In astrology when Sun move into Aries called Aries ingress, it is important date of the year, same as Autumn Equinox , Summer and Winter Solecists , Mundane astrologer use these dates to forecast event for this year along with Eclipse chart . In 2014 Japan Aries ingress chart we can see a good powerful economic force as the second house ( house of financial ) is strong , we can expect great develop of economic however there is Pluto right on Horizon, It indicate a huge reformation and most astrologer will suggest people in this area should be more careful of unpleasant event either natal disasters or political power struggles . Astrologer Sue Tompkins suggest the Pluto on angles of Mundane chart are not easy , it some how bring a wipe out energy  which make me worry.

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In another way we can also combine other Mundane forecast skills to clarify our worry or confirm our concern . Ancient people do believe that Eclipses are bad omens , that ’s why ancient astrologer do play an important role in the court. One of their job is predict when will be Eclipse and suggest his King to do something to avoid bad luck.

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Today we know that Eclipse are New Moon or Full Moon occur near North Node or South Node but we still see it as an important event . Our next Lunar Eclipse will happen in 15th April and Solar Eclipse will happen on 29th April . As we are experience the strong outer planets T square (Jupiter Uranus Pluto) at the moment and it will form a grand cross with Mars soon , I will suggest we should not ignore message sent from Eclipse charts . If we caste both Lunar and Solar Eclipse charts on 2014 in East Japan area we will spot that Uranus are on Descendant , if we use this chart to make Astro Map , Mars Uranus Jupiter Pluto line are cross each other near Japan , would it suggest some powerful manifestation? From political view it maybe society division ? or Power struggle in government ? Uranus usually related with electric and technic industrial , would it be some critical time for there business ? Descent also represent relationship with other counties , would Japan face a sudden challenge in diplomatic relationship? As Uranus represent some powerful suddenly energy could it be Nuclear issue or natural energy release like Earthquake or Volcanically eruption ? It is possible for many thing , Astrologers can only rise concern and suggest everyone be more careful for next 6 months.

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Not only Eclipse , I do find that full moon and new moon charts are strongly related to Mundane event , the full Moon on 17th of March are very like Vernal Equinox chart ( not in a good way) also suggest possibility of upheaval . Mars on 9th also suggest potential argument with another countries. Pluto again on Horizon repeat the possibility of wipe out situation cause by human or natural disaster. As an Mundane astrologer , if I saw both Eclipse and New Moon Full Moon charts all strongly suggest unsettle planetary energy in this area , I will give my concern to people who living there, and for this couple months I will suggest people who living in Japan more aware about safeties .

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Jupiter Square Uranus


Year 2014 is a wonderful year to study outer planets impact . We have whole year Uranus square Pluto , in the end of 2014 we have Jupiter square Saturn getting in orb and Saturn square get into orb , both have huge impact to our world especially in Economic , we should not underestimate these planetary influence as past experience told us both Jupiter Saturn waning square and Saturn Neptune waning square related to economic depression. We should talk about this around summer .


Today we focus on another outer planetary cycle which is more exciting , Jupiter Uranus cycles . These cycles are more about develop of capitalism and globalization.  During 1980’s global financial industry has fast develop as restrictions has been removed after US government passed The Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary control Act in 1980 , this was happened when last time Jupiter Square Uranus. Banker enjoy the result for a long while and finally everyone in this world pay the bill for their gambling . After Pluto move into Capricorn and while the Uranus Pluto square we realized the banker gone too far , The result of greedy money game is economic crisis from 2005 until today . People ask government control the banker ‘s risk taking, especially those bank which received money  from tax payers for bail out .  Just when we almost getting better from the depression , the gambler come back and urge to play again . British prime minister told as couple days ago we are all better off now . We can hear the bankers getting star to push  government to release the restriction to allow them back to good old day.

Another side of Jupiter Uranus are related to technique develop , such as computer industrial , technology of aircraft and spacecraft. Steve Jobs release first first iphone on January 2007 while Jupiter square Uranus, the begging of Space race between US and USSR was in 1957 when Jupiter sextile Uranus . we maybe going to hear another cut edge technic product coming or heard  some develop or decision of some  counties‘ space explore .


People’s power Thailand political crisis in astrology


For most of Europe, Thailand is all about Holiday, Lady-boys and Thai massage.  It used to be a nice place for retirement. Some of my friends sold their houses in Europe to go to Thailand.  They thought they could buy a house and run a small B&B for rest of their life. It was good idea … until 2006. 

A friend of mine, as he could not afford expensive University fees in the States, decided go to study somewhere else.  He went to Bangkok with his savings in 2010. He thought his savings were enough to pay university fees in Thailand  and he can support himself by teaching English there. He was wrong.  Three months after he arrived in Thailand, he experienced the Thai peoples power, protesters taking over the streets and airport, military firing at protesters and shutting down schools and businesses. He lost his job and had no university course to go to for almost 2 months.

red shirt protest bkk from wikipedia
red shirt protest bkk from wikipedia

Since 2006 There were several political crises linked with huge protests in the country, and the key person is Thaksin Shinawatra, the former Prime Minister. These protesters are either simply against him or support him, and both sides declare they are people’s voice .  In this article I will trying to use Mundane astrology to study this series of political fights after Thailand had become democratic.

Thailand is a constitutional monarchy. The head of country is King Rama IX. Before 1997, the military were the real rulers of Thailand. in 1991 the People protested against Military’s rule which almost lead to civil war. King Rama IX got involved and urged both sides to find a peaceful solution.  This started the process of  democracy and resulted in the 1997 constitution, the so called people’s constitution.


Thailand‘s natal chart is set to 6 Apr 1782 6:54 Bangkok when King Rama I started the Chakri Dynasty.  As Thailand is still a monarchy, I suggest using this chart although I was tempted to use the chart set by the constitution.  However it looks like 1782 chart has more resonance with Thailand’s political events. This chart has Ascendent on Taurus, Sun in Aries 16 degree and Moon on 29 Capricorn conjunct MC. Jupiter on 28 Sagittarius (this raises an alarm for astrologers who use the Galactic Center) conjunct Saturn on 1 degree Capricorn. This Jupiter Saturn conjunction opposite by Uranus on 29 Gemini .



The decline of military rule started in 1991 when Neptune and Uranus in mid Capricorn and getting square Natal Sun and Nodal axis in 16 Aries and transit Saturn was passed by Natal Pluto . In 1992 the important political crisis Bloody May almost become a civil war, this event  occurred on 17-20 May 1992, the square between Ne/So Ur/So was even tighter, and transit nodal axis was on natal Jupiter Saturn conjunction, Tr Mars opposite Na Neptune. Solar Arc Saturn was on 24 Cancer tight conjunct Ic. SA Neptune square Na Moon has encouraged the peoples protest.


The Sun Moon of Solar Eclipse on 15 Jan 1991 was on 25 degrees Capricorn, if we cast chart on Bangkok it will conjunct Ascendent on exact degree. Which also means it conjunct on Thailand country chart’s Mc. The Eclipse on Jun 1992 Thailand also has Uranus conjunct SE chart ‘s Ascendent, a sign of change in rule.


 Thaksin Shinawatra

Business tycoon Thaksin Shinawatra’s Thai Rak Thai Party won the first general election on 2001 and was re-elected in 2005 . However allegations of Shinawatra’s corruption never stopped and finally lead to the anti-government protests in 2006 and very soon the military launched a coup d’etat during Thaksin Shinawatra visit New York.


I don’t have Thaksin’s birthtime , I will use noon chart for this article,  compare his chart with 1782 chart, we can understand why he been so popular in Thailand even after been overthrown 6 years ago. He has Sun Moon Mercury Pluto Leo stallium, his Jupiter on 26 Capricorn right on Thailand country chart’s Mc and Moon, as the Thai were expecting more freedom after 1997 constitution and urged to recover from 1997 South East Asia Crisis , Thai people were expecting a Jupiter type of leader, Thaksin, with his Jupiter conjunct Moon and his stallium in country chart’s  4th house, we can understand why Thaksin were so popular and according the media his support are most form countryside mostly farmers.

Thaksin also has Neptune on Thailand chart ‘s south node, giving illusion and dreams. And do not underestimate his Mars Uranus conjunct Thailand’s Uranus and opposite Thailand Saturn Jupiter. It does not matter what time he was born, together with Sun, his Moon will always opposite 1782 chat’s Pluto a planet associated with Power struggle scandal and corruption. I did not suggest this like is a sign of corruption but only want to point out when someone has a personal planet or Asc/Mc connect with country’s Pluto, are easily involved with power struggle and being projected with an image of power, secrets and scandal. This could explain the unsettled situation after his first premiership.



    The 16 Sep 2006 when the military took power, Transit Pluto was close to 1782 chart’s Jupiter and opposite Uranus. Both Solar Eclipse of that year have Mars on Angle, the Solar Eclipse on March has Pluto on 26 Sagittarius opposite Mars on Mc/Ic.      

Although the Thai Rak Thai party was dissolved in 2006 and Thaksin stayed in exile, he still had a huge influence in the country. His supporters come back to power with a different Party name “People’s power party”. Since 2006 Thailand‘s political crisis was based on Pro and anti Thaksin Shinawatra.


The Pro-Shinawatra camp formed the National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship leading several protests during the military reign until they were back in power in 2007.

In Oct 2008, the Anti-Shinawatra camp, lead by the People’s Alliance for Democracy, took over Bangkok airport and forced the Pro-Shinawatra Prime Minister to step down and the leader of the opposition formed a New government. 


From 2006 to 2008 Sa Uranus conjunct 1782 chart ‘s Pluto , Sa Saturn opposite Pluto, Sa Jupiter Saturn square Chiron in 1st. With transit Pluto conjunct tighter and tighter to 1782 chart’s Jupiter Saturn, Thai society is more unsettled.




In early 2010 the pro-Shinawatra camp had several protests. They occupied Bangkok’s business district for 2 months and in the end, the Government used force to end this protest.  Even though a couple of the movement’s leaders surrendered themselves to police, the Pro-Shinawatra party Pheu Thai  won the election in 2011.  Yingluck Shinawatra  (Thakshin’s sister) become Prime minister.

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In early 2010 Tr Pluto still conjunct 1782’s Saturn, Tr Saturn conjunct Neptune, Tr Uranus on Venus. The solar eclipse on 15 Jan 2010 has Sun Moon on 25 Capricorn (again), this suggests Eclipse point on 1782 chart’s Mc.  And if you still remember, the last time a Solar Eclipse was in the same sign and same degree was 19 years ago and at that time, in 1991, Thailand has a political movement which led to democracy.  However this 2010 eclipse chart also has  Asc conjunct Na Mars, Tr Uranus conjunct Chart ruler Venus, Tr Saturn conjunct Neptune, Tr Pluto conjunct Saturn. Node on So/Mo midpoint.


In Aug 2013 Pheu Thai Party pass amnesty Bill which believed by oppostion can help Thakshin Shinawatra return to Thailand. Opposition soon call the demonstrations to against this bill.  Although this bill has been reject by the Senate of Thailand but the anti government camp still call for strike and ask Prime Minister step down. On 1 Dec 2013 violence erupted between the pro and anti government camps, causing 5 death and 54 injuries.

2013SA se2013

We can see Sa Sun opposite 1782‘s Na Mars, Sa Pluto opposite Na Venus . Tr Neptune and Tr Chiron on Nov 2013 Solar Eclipse chart’s Mc.   Tr Neptune and Tr Chiron on Nov 2013 Solar Eclipse chart’s Mc. Capricorn ingress chart has Sun near IC and astromap shows that Ma/Pl paran are very close to Bangkok.

Capricorn ingress 2013 Bangkok
Capricorn ingress 2013 Bangkok
2013SE en Mundo
2013SE en Mundo

In the astromap we can see the 3 Nov 2013 SE map has Neptune MC and Chiron Mc near bangkok , but if we look at Geodetic we understand why this unsettle get more tension as Pluto IC line was near Bangkok.

SE 2013 Geodetic map
SE 2013 Geodetic map


1 Dec 2013 Geodetic map
1 Dec 2013 Geodetic map

On 1 Dec 2013 when the fight between Thailand anti-government protester and Thaksin supporters  cause 5 death and 54 injured . Pluto IC line on Geodetic map was nearly bangkok, which we can not see it on other format .



1 Jan 2014
1 Jan 2014

The Uranus Pluto square from 2011 to 2013 seems have very little to do with 1782’ s chart but more close to new year 2014 , we can see the Cardinal grand cross pick up 1782 chart’s Sun the leadership. In  Solar Eclipse 29 April 2014 , Uranus Mars opposition near 13 Aries Libra on 1872 chart’s Sun and Node.

SE 29 Apr 2014
SE 29 Apr 2014 

King Rama IX,  Bhumipol  

I am very curious about King Rama IX , not only he been the longest reign monarchy in Thailand , also he respect by his people , although he doesn’t really own the power but during bloody May 1992 he is able to hold both side and urged them to made peaceful result.   I usually don’t use King or Queen’s chart for a country unless they really own reign of country. However I want to give a go with King Rama IX ‘s chart as i have his birthday. He has Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in 28 Aries , Asc on 4 Capricorn Mc on 0 Scorpio.


King Rama IX
King Rama IX

In 1992 Tr Pluto on 21 Scorpio conjunct King’s Mercury square Tr Saturn on 18 Aquarius. Tr Uranus Neptune was opposite his Pluto.   Sa Moon conjunct Des, Sa Saturn 150 Na Pluto.     We notice grand cross in Spring 2014 , will also pick up his 16 degrees Capricorn Pluto.

It looks like King Rama IX’s chart also fit into recent Thailand’s political event, and as the Pluto is Mc ruler in his chart.I wondering what ‘s going to happen in Thailand when the grand cross hit this sensitive point.

SE 29 Apr 2014
SE 29 Apr 2014

I have look at solar eclipse chart on 29 Apr 2014 , on that time we will still experience the cardinal grand cross and usually eclipse has at least 3 months  forward backward effect. SE Sa conjunct on SE chart’s IC , Grand cross  on 11-14 degree of cardinal sign pick up 1782’s So & N.N and King Rama IX’s Pluto , SE So Mo conjunct 1782’s Chiron .

2014 Cancer Ingress chart has Chiron near the Ic and Libra Ingress chart has Jupiter on Mc square Saturn on Asc. And “Yes” we  understand this is a big time of global economic, as Ju-90-Sa and Sa-90-Ne going to hit everyone between 2014-2016 , My question is would  Thailand hit by the first wave of Ju-Sa waning square as both planets take over MC ASC in 2014 Libra ingress ?

Also look at the  Geodetic map,  Pluto will move away from Bangkok from Feb 2014 and come back after Summer, It will get closer near August and September 2014 , this suggest Thailand will face another upheaval around this time.


Ukraine on fire

Screen Shot 2014-01-23 at 22.45.56BBC: Ukraine protests spread beyond Kiev amid crisis talks

   When I first learned that Ukraine signed an agreement with Russia and gave up cooperation with the EU, I wasn’t thinking that events will catch fire like this. I would not think this if I had turned on my computer to look up Ukraine‘s chart .

    Ukraine independent on 1 Dec 1991 6:00PM , National chart has Sagittarius Sun and Libra Moon , Leo Ascendant and Aries Mc. I still remember during the East European revolutions, Uranus and Neptune was conjunct on mid Capricorn that means that most EX USSR member countries are going to face Tr Uranus square Na Uranus and Tr Pluto conjunct Na Uranus.  We can understand these countries will face more challenges than other countries during late Ur-Pl square, but why Ukraine ?


Ukraine  Transit on 1 Jan 2014


From Transit we already have a clue as to why the Ukrainian government faces more challenges than others,  Uranus is on 9 degrees Aries at this moment, right above Ukraine’s Mc which signifies government and Transiting Mars pass by Ic and Ic ruler which represents the opposition parties and conjunct the Natal Moon which represents the people. Transit Saturn also right on Pluto the planet represents collective fear and anxiety, struggle and survival. Some astrologers see the Saturn-Pluto combination as most challenging in our life.

Solar Arc

If we examine the Solar Arc chart we will see SA Chiron square Na Mars, SA Saturn square Na Pluto (again) and, most important, SA Uranus just passed Descendent. I don’t think this is a place to sleep quietly during the night if there are both Transit Uranus and Solar Arc Uranus right on the chart angles, well maybe only if this country have exciting samba parties everyday.

Ukraine Solar Arc


ViKtor Yanukovych

According Astrodatabank, Mr Yanukovych was born on 9 Jul 1950 12:15 . Libra ascendent conjunct with Mars Neptune in 1st house. Sun conjunct Mercury on Mc 12 Cancer ( I can smell something here… ) Uranus also near Mc on 5 degree Cancer.

Yanukovych & SE NOV 2014

Yes, we should be very sensitive with Cardinal planets on his natal chart this moment. Again like the country he serves, he picks up the most dynamic Cardinal Grand cross of 2014. Uranus on his descendent and Pluto on Ic. With Jupiter near the Mc conjunct his Sun which explains why he and his government want to expand their power and think that no one can stop them. Jupiter usually gives us confidence.

The recent Ur-90-Pl also pick up his Asc axis and Ma/Ur Ur/Mc midpoint. The Solar Eclipse on 3 Nov 2013 occurred on 11 degree of Scorpio opposite Yanukovych’s Moon on 11 degrees of Taurus . In this chart there is also Mars Chiron opposition trigger Saturn Jupiter opposition on his chart.

Between country and leader 

I remember once Liz Greene telling us that it is the country that picks its servants according to the country’s chart and transit. People of this country will also choose the president who fits into the challenge which the county is going to face. When a country needs radical change they will pick a president who has Uranus connection with country.

Ukraine and Yanukovych

Yanukovych has his Uranus right on Ukraine‘s nodal axis. His Mc Sun Mercury opposite Ukraine’s Uranus and Neptune. His Mars Neptune conjunct Ukraine ‘s Moon, this suggests he can really stir up people’s emotions and anger. He has a strong Uranus-Pluto transit, as has the country. Ukraine needs Yanukovych to be there when it is going to face a radical change.  He could be there to lead the change.  He could also be there to cause this radical change.



I always use Astromap with Eclipse chart. On the Solar Eclipse on 3 Nov 2013 ‘s ACG chart we can see the Mars Ds line was 80 miles away from Kiev and Mars Pluto paran was only 25 miles away.

Solar Eclipse on 3 Nov 2013
Solar Eclipse on 3 Nov 2013

Interestingly if we lookup on Yanukovych’s astromap we can see again, Uranus Mc right on Kiev , LS Pluto line right on Kiev too , LS Sun and LS Mercury line pass by Moscow suggesting good communications and LS Pluto goes west passing exactly by Warsaw and Berlin and LS Saturn passes by Paris, I can guess how much he will like the message from this 3 countries compare with Moscow?

Yanukovych's Astromap , LS So Me pass by Moscow, LS PL SA go to EU. Uranus right on Kiev
Yanukovych’s Astromap , LS So Me pass by Moscow, LS PL SA go to EU. Uranus right on Kiev


As we know, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto will form a grand cross again around March-April 2014. This means the grand cross we just have on New Year 2014 is more like a trial. This also suggests the fight between the Government and the People will not stop easily.  if the Ukraine people still feel the need of Uranian change in this country, by that time the upheaval of grand cross will be much much stronger.

Comet in Astrology

Comet Ison 's imagie from NASA

Many people call 2013 “the International Year of Comets” as there will be two comets visiting us this year. How do astrologers regard comets, an astronomical object which has an unpredictable orbit? Will these objects bring forth disasters and catastrophes like the old tales tell? Where do these old tales come from? Is it true that comets would never be associated with something positive? I always wondered what comets mean to astrologers. In my twenty years of astrology study, this question had once haunted me for a short while.  Journalists also raised questions related to comets when I wrote an astrology column. However, I couldn’t find out the answers from my teachers or any publications. However, in the beginning of 2013, when the news reported that there would be the chance to observe two comets this year, one of which would be very bright, that old question came up once again – how do astrologers regard comets?

Comets in astronomy
In astronomy, a comet is an object which has an elongated elliptical orbit. Some comets are visible in the sky at regular intervals within a short period of time for example, the famous Halley’s Comet is visible from earth every 75 to 76 years), and some of them have a long orbital period. Some comets come to visit the sun every hundreds of thousands of years.

According to astronomy research, comet nuclei are composed of ice, dust and frozen gases such as carbon monoxide, methane and ammonia. Comets are from the distant, cold and dark space, approaching the Sun under the effect of gravity. When comets come near the sun, they enter our observable range. Temperature increases as comets get nearer to the sun, and tails start to appear under the effect of radiation and solar wind as the frozen gases and ice start to evaporate , resulting in an illuminating tail – this is a comet’s trademark. Many comets will be burnt and then split into pieces or even disappear when they go passed the Sun, and great comets will split into several smaller ones, some of which will disappear after they go pass the perihelion.

In Western languages like French (comète), German (Komet) and English (comet), the word “comet” is derived from the Latin word “cometes”, which is the latinisation of the Greek κομήτης (komētēs). It means “comets”, but its literal meaning is “long hair”. This Latin word originates from the Greek word κόμη (komē) whose original meaning is “the hair on one’s head”.

Views of ancient astrologers
How do ancient astrologers regard comets? Ancient Greek held various points of view towards the object. Although different schools all treated comets as certain abnormal phenomenon, these scholars, including Aristotle, were keen to find out the reasons behind this, and they often held a special view on comets. Most of them believed that comets were just some illusions caused by disturbances that happened in the upper layers of the atmosphere. They thought it was due to extremely hot, arid and windy weather and this is why ancient astrologers often attributed the occurrence of hurricanes and droughts to the appearance of comets in their observation. Because of its brightness and its association with hot, arid weather which led to hurricanes, rainstorms and droughts, ancient astrologers often regarded comets as “big fire” in the sky. Another early astrological study suggested that comets appeared when several planets formed a conjunction. Whether comets were disturbance in upper layer of the atmosphere or gathering of astronomical objects invoked arguments and discussions.

In Roman Times, the philosopher and statesman, Seneca, opposed all these suggestions. He believed that comets are a kind of star although it was not possible to predict or measure their movements or locations, and they were some object that astrologers did not have the ability to predict. It is just that comets were discovered one day.

According to the records of ancient astrologers, comets brought forth many other phenomenon besides hot and arid weather. In BC 340-341 and AD60, there were hurricanes when comets passed by, and in BC 373-372, there were earthquakes and tsunamis as comets slid through the sky. Aristotle believed that when there were several comets appearing with a year, it would usually be an arid and stormy one – he believed that comets were an indicator of climate.

However astrologers argued about the causes or reasons behind comets, and the only consensus was that comets were regarded as a symbol of natural disasters such as meteors, droughts and severe winds. Manilius, a poet, described meteorites as “a token of doom”.

From the Roman Empire onwards, comets became the symbol of another kind of disaster, the human-related one – death, riots, wars and slaughters; the death of a king or a noble would be the one among them which caught most attention. It is said that the family of Aeneas, the son of Aphrodite, witnessed a meteorite in the sky before the Trojan War and treated it as a warning for them to leave their homeland. They left Troy and, as a result, escaped the war that destroyed their homeland.

Comets played a special role in Rome in BC44 when Julius Caesar was assassinated. Augustus, who succeeded to the throne, announced that the soul of Caesar had already ridden on the comet towards heaven. Since Augustus would not be able to take the throne without Caesar’s death, he saw comets as his lucky star, and he even put the symbol of the comet on his gold coinage. However, whenever there was a comet in the sky, Augustus would become very sensitive, and he forbade any predictions from astrologers regarding comets.

Comets’ implication regarding the death of an emperor could be influential to the nobles, and could be a useful tool to insurgents. During the reign of Nero, who was a famous tyrant, insurgents would announce or expect that it would be Nero’s turn whenever there was a comet. Seneca, who I previously mentioned, was the motivator behind such force. He longed for the death of the tyrant whenever comets appeared, but the truth was that Nero not only had not died, but he also slaughtered his political opponents; and Seneca was eventually killed by Nero after announcing a disrespectful prediction towards the king.

From ancient times to the medieval, comets were seen as the symbol of evil power which brought forth natural disasters, human-related disorders and slaughters, and history deepens people’s fear towards comets’ infamy.

In AD684 when Halley’s Comet passed by, a rainstorm sustained for around three months, and there was an outbreak of Black Death.

In AD1066 when Halley’s Comet passed by again, Harold II, the King of England at that time, fought with William I, the Duke of Normandy, for the throne and died in the famous Battle of Hastings; this is how William the Conqueror succeeded the English throne. Halley’s Comet kept on bringing forth its implication regarding “the death of an emperor” in this way.
Even in 1910 when a comet visited, there was a rumour spread around about comets releasing toxic gases; as a result, many people tried to invent different methods to avoid such circumstance. Although the tail of a comet would release carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, there were no reports of direct victims yet.

However, it does not mean that we should deny comets’ implication of human-related and natural disasters. We can still observe the happenings of catastrophes when comets passed by. In 1882 when a great comet passed by, a cyclone in the Arabian Sea caused flooding in Bombay harbor, leaving about 100,000 dead; and there were two comets witnessed in January and April of 1910 when Jack Johnson, an African boxer, defeated a White opponent which in turn triggered riots across the States. In December 1927, a comet visited the Earth, and there was a sudden flood along the Thames a month later which killed 14 people, followed by an unpredictable hailstorm which killed another 11 people. In 1966, Uranus was in conjunction with Pluto and formed an opposition with Saturn and Chiron when Comet Hyakutake passed by. It was when the bloodiest Cultural Revolution took place in China in which several million people were killed and Chinese cultural and historical relics were destroyed. In April 2013, we could still see the comet when the Boston Marathon bombings happened.

Comets are associated with taboos in people’s heart. Whenever people see comets, they immediately believe that something unlucky, disastrous and extreme is going to happen. However, what do astrologers consider when they give predictions regarding comets?

How ancient astrologers predict a comet’s influence?

First, consider the sign and its element which the comet passed by. For example, fire signs are usually associated with fire hazards, wars and slaughters, water signs with rainstorms and tsunamis, earth sign with droughts and food shortage, and Air signs with hurricanes.

Second, consider fixed stars or the image of the sign. For example, Taurus could be related to issues related to cattle, Pisces could be about issues with oceans and fishery, and Sagittarius could be about wars. Comets’ effect could also be related to what the sign or fixed stars they currently located symbolise. Traditional astrologers even believe that every country has its own representing sign; therefore, when comets are in certain sign, countries represented by that sign could suffer disasters. For example, when a comet was in Taurus in 1678, William Lilly [Lillies New Prophecy, Or, Strange and Wonderful Predictions relating to the year, 1678.  As well as from the Great Blazing-Star [London] 1678, 3-4] pointed out that it would affect Poland, Russia, Sicily, Norway, Algeria, Lorraine and Rome.

Third, consider which planet(s) form a conjunction with the comet. For example, when a comet passed by Mercury, it may bring forth issues related to transportation and bridges.

Fourth, consider which house the comet visits. This is a rather special case, in which astrologers need to cast a chart when they witness the comet. For example, the famous astrologer Tycho Brahe cast a chart by this method and predicted a disaster which would kill thousands of people.

Fifth, consider the colour. When astrologers observe comets, they would pay attention to their colours and thus determine their properties. If it has the same grey tone like Saturn, astrologers would believe that this comet would bring forth incidents which have similar themes or properties of Saturn. Sometimes, comets would change colour from time to time, like from white to grey. In 1680, William Knight documented that the comet he observed that year had a grey tone like Saturn initially, thus leading to issues related to lack of resources and politics. Several months later, it turned bright and it implied themes and issues related to Jupiter. Although no suffocating stress or pressure was related, there was a rise of problems related to religion and law, and this was not the last time this comet changed its colour. It finally turned red, and Knight believed it was an obvious implication about thefts and robberies. Tycho Brahe also applied such skill on observing comets.

Finally, consider the direction which the coma points to as it often implies the direction where disasters happen. Sometimes, the tails may point to two directions. If it points to a sign on the zodiac, the country it represents may also be involved.

The shape of comets differs from one another. Sometimes it looks like a fireball with a short coma. It was described as “a long sword” implying war and assassination when it has a long coma. Sometimes, the tip of the coma is described as a “dagger”, and it was said that a great person would be borne when a comet was as bright as the sun.


2013’ comets

If we pay attention to Comet Panstarrs which glided through the sky in early 2013 when we work on our mundane astrology study, we would once again discover the existence themes and issues related to comets. We could witness Comet Panstarrs with our eyes from 12th February 2013 which went through Aquarius and Pisces and entered 0 degree of Aries on 9th March. When we found it for the last time in the sky, it was in Aries.

  • 12th February, North Korea carried out its third nuclear test which triggered another North Korean crisis. North Korea and South Korea terminated their cooperation, this was when the comet was in Aquarius, a sign related to shock, split and isolation.
  • 15th February, a meteorite hit southern Ural region of Russia, which injured about 1500 people and damaged about 4000 buildings.
  • 28th February, when the comet was about to enter Pisces, the Pope Benedict XVI suddenly resigned with unknown reasons.  3days later Comet Panstarrs passed his Asc on 16 degrees Pisces and his Mc ruler Jupiter on 20 degrees Pisces.
  • 5th March, Hugo Chavez died.  Comet Panstarrs hits his MC.
  • 13th March, the Catholic Church elected the new Pope. A new leader was born on the day when the comet was at its brightest and in Aries. Several days later, the Cypriot financial crisis broke out. Pope Francis I have Moon in  10 degrees Aquarius , and His Venus ( Mc ruler ) in 7 degrees Aquarius also affected by by the comet Panstarrs.
  • End of March, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands abdicated.  She has Moon Jupiter Venus Sun in 8, 9, 10 deg Aquarius, Mars (chart ruler) in 0deg Aries, Saturn ruler MC in 1deg Aries all are affected by the comet Panstarrs.

These incidents and events correspond with the discussion of astrologers in the past.

Let’s observe the predicted path of Comet Ison. Approximately from 10th November to 29th December, the comet will glide through Libra, Scorpio to Sagittarius, and the planets affected include Mercury and Saturn, the North Node in Scorpio will be the next. We should pay attention to: transportation and bridges governed by Mercury; government, institutions, law and mining governed by Saturn judiciary and marriage governed by Libra; death, scandals, oil and financial Corporations governed by Scorpio; and law and religion governed by Sagittarius. According to William Lilly’s definition, we should pay attention to Austria, Portugal and Spain, Catalonia in particular ( a Spanish region which longed for independence). China, on the other hand, is a country of Libra. Perhaps we should pay special attention to issues related to these themes and places.

I personally have some interesting experience related to comics. Comet Panstarrs started to be seen by people on 12th February, and that was just before my birthday. The comet was in the beginning of Aquarius where my natal Venus locates. My love life coincidentally confronted a tremendous shock, and an unpredictable new relationship started soon after it. In March when the comet passed through Pisces where my natal Mercury locates, I started to be attracted by comets, and I therefore sought opportunities to observe them and read a lot of studies and publications that documented their effects in astrology. However, to my chagrin these are very few in number. A television programme broadcast by the BBC that month, narrated some different interpretations of comets. Comets always bring new ideas to us.

Finally, after the discussion of Western points of views, I would like to share with you some Chinese’s thoughts regarding comets. Chinese called comets “the broom star” and usually associated them with bad luck, but we should remember that brooms are used to sweep away unnecessary stuff. Brooms are for the use of cleaning. We have to sweep away unnecessary stuff to find new room. We could say that such incidents are inevitable – new chances are brought forth through the destructive forces.

Chinese called comets “hui xin”. “Hui” is equivalent to “wisdom” in Chinese. Interestingly, in Chinese we always say “wield the sword of wisdom to cut away the attachment”. Wisdom is like a sword, and comets are obviously a symbol of a treasure sword. From images, symbolisation to what we observe in life, could it be possible that comets are an implication of the birth of new wisdom? Could it be an indication about where we should impart our wisdom? Could it be a chance for us to cut certain bonds and attachments so that we can let new things come into our lives?


Appendix 1 – Comet Panstarr (C/2011 L4) date and position generated by Nasa HORIZONS System



Date (UTC) Magnitude Position in Zodiac
 2013-Feb-12 00:00 5.14 1 Aquarius
 2013-Feb-13 00:00 5.02 3 Aquarius
 2013-Feb-14 00:00 4.90 4 Aquarius
 2013-Feb-15 00:00 4.77 6 Aquarius
 2013-Feb-16 00:00 4.64 8 Aquarius
 2013-Feb-17 00:00 4.51 10 Aquarius
 2013-Feb-18 00:00 4.38 13 Aquarius
 2013-Feb-19 00:00 4.24 15 Aquarius
 2013-Feb-20 00:00 4.10 17 Aquarius
 2013-Feb-21 00:00 3.95 19 Aquarius
 2013-Feb-22 00:00 3.81 22 Aquarius
 2013-Feb-23 00:00 3.66 24 Aquarius
 2013-Feb-24 00:00 3.51 27 Aquarius
 2013-Feb-25 00:00 3.35 0 Pisces
 2013-Feb-26 00:00 3.20 2 Pisces
 2013-Feb-27 00:00 3.04 5 Pisces
 2013-Feb-28 00:00 2.88 8 Pisces
 2013-Mar-01 00:00 2.72 11 Pisces
 2013-Mar-02 00:00 2.57 13 Pisces
 2013-Mar-03 00:00 2.41 16 Pisces
 2013-Mar-04 00:00 2.27 19 Pisces
 2013-Mar-05 00:00 2.13 21 Pisces
 2013-Mar-06 00:00 2.02 24 Pisces
 2013-Mar-07 00:00 1.92 26 Pisces
 2013-Mar-08 00:00 1.84 28 Pisces
 2013-Mar-09 00:00 1.79 1 Ares
 2013-Mar-10 00:00 1.78 3 Ares
 2013-Mar-11 00:00 1.80 4 Ares
 2013-Mar-12 00:00 1.86 6 Ares
 2013-Mar-13 00:00 1.94 8 Ares
 2013-Mar-14 00:00 2.05 9 Ares
 2013-Mar-15 00:00 2.18 10 Ares
 2013-Mar-16 00:00 2.32 11 Ares
 2013-Mar-17 00:00 2.47 12 Ares
 2013-Mar-18 00:00 2.63 13 Ares
 2013-Mar-19 00:00 2.78 14 Ares
 2013-Mar-20 00:00 2.94 15 Ares
 2013-Mar-21 00:00 3.10 16 Ares
 2013-Mar-22 00:00 3.26 16 Ares
 2013-Mar-23 00:00 3.41 17 Ares
 2013-Mar-24 00:00 3.55 18 Ares
 2013-Mar-25 00:00 3.70 18 Ares
 2013-Mar-26 00:00 3.83 19 Ares
 2013-Mar-27 00:00 3.97 20 Ares
 2013-Mar-28 00:00 4.10 20 Ares
 2013-Mar-29 00:00 4.22 21 Ares
 2013-Mar-30 00:00 4.34 21 Ares
 2013-Mar-31 00:00 4.46 22 Ares
 2013-Apr-01 00:00 4.57 23 Ares
 2013-Apr-02 00:00 4.68 23 Ares
 2013-Apr-03 00:00 4.79 24 Ares
 2013-Apr-04 00:00 4.90 24 Ares
 2013-Apr-05 00:00 5.00 25 Ares
 2013-Apr-06 00:00 5.09 26 Ares
 2013-Apr-07 00:00 5.19 26 Ares
 2013-Apr-08 00:00 5.28 27 Ares
 2013-Apr-09 00:00 5.37 27 Ares
 2013-Apr-10 00:00 5.46 28 Ares
 2013-Apr-11 00:00 5.54 29 Ares
 2013-Apr-12 00:00 5.62 29 Ares
 2013-Apr-13 00:00 5.71 0 Taurus
 2013-Apr-14 00:00 5.78 1 Taurus
 2013-Apr-15 00:00 5.86 1 Taurus



Appendix 2 – Comet Ison (C/2012 S1) date and position generated by Nasa HORIZONS System


Date (UTC) Magnitude Position in Zodiac
 2013-Nov-10 00:00 6.97 3 Libra
 2013-Nov-11 00:00 6.8 5 Libra
 2013-Nov-12 00:00 6.62 7 Libra
 2013-Nov-13 00:00 6.43 10 Libra
 2013-Nov-14 00:00 6.23 12 Libra
 2013-Nov-15 00:00 6.03 15 Libra
 2013-Nov-16 00:00 5.82 18 Libra
 2013-Nov-17 00:00 5.59 21 Libra
 2013-Nov-18 00:00 5.36 24 Libra
 2013-Nov-19 00:00 5.11 27 Libra
 2013-Nov-20 00:00 4.84 0 Scorpio
 2013-Nov-21 00:00 4.55 4 Scorpio
 2013-Nov-22 00:00 4.22 7 Scorpio
 2013-Nov-23 00:00 3.85 11 Scorpio
 2013-Nov-24 00:00 3.41 15 Scorpio
 2013-Nov-25 00:00 2.88 19 Scorpio
 2013-Nov-26 00:00 2.18 23 Scorpio
 2013-Nov-27 00:00 1.14 27 Scorpio
 2013-Nov-28 00:00 0.86 2 Sagitarius
 2013-Nov-29 00:00 4.07 8 Sagitarius
 2013-Nov-30 00:00 0.17 6 Sagitarius
 2013-Dec-01 00:00 1.55 6 Sagitarius
 2013-Dec-02 00:00 2.36 5 Sagitarius
 2013-Dec-03 00:00 2.93 4 Sagitarius
 2013-Dec-04 00:00 3.36 3 Sagitarius
 2013-Dec-05 00:00 3.7 3 Sagitarius
 2013-Dec-06 00:00 3.98 2 Sagitarius
 2013-Dec-07 00:00 4.21 2 Sagitarius
 2013-Dec-08 00:00 4.41 1 Sagitarius
 2013-Dec-09 00:00 4.58 1 Sagitarius
 2013-Dec-10 00:00 4.73 0 Sagitarius
 2013-Dec-11 00:00 4.86 0 Sagitarius
 2013-Dec-12 00:00 4.98 29 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-13 00:00 5.08 28 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-14 00:00 5.17 28 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-15 00:00 5.26 27 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-16 00:00 5.33 27 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-17 00:00 5.4 26 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-18 00:00 5.47 25 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-19 00:00 5.54 24 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-20 00:00 5.6 23 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-21 00:00 5.66 22 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-22 00:00 5.73 21 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-23 00:00 5.79 19 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-24 00:00 5.86 17 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-25 00:00 5.93 15 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-26 00:00 6.01 11 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-27 00:00 6.09 7 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-28 00:00 6.18 0 Scorpio
 2013-Dec-29 00:00 6.27 21 Libra
 2013-Dec-30 00:00 6.36 6 Libra
 2013-Dec-31 00:00 6.47 15 Virgo
 2014-Jan-01 00:00 6.57 22 Leo
 2014-Jan-02 00:00 6.68 2 Leo
 2014-Jan-03 00:00 6.8 18 Cancer
 2014-Jan-04 00:00 6.92 9 Cancer




© Rod Chang 24 July 2013 London UK