Who will be friends with Theresa May ? An Astromap forecasting for EU leaving negotiation


Theresa May has been pointed as PM for UK at 17:35 PM (between 17:30-17:40)

Saturn and Chiron were near the angles. Division of land and How to United whole country are suggested by both planets. Saturn rules 2rd and 3rd. The Ascendent of 17:42 right on 1801 chart’s Chiron in 3rd. Tread communication and neighbouring countries of course become challenge areas .

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As Astromap and Local space lines we can work out where is good planetary energy and where should be careful .

The Mars As line go through Scotland, North Ireland and Ireland this could be conflict appear in these areas as we already know Scotland maybe have another referendum after UK leave EU and N.I political situation could be unstable. The Mars Asc line and Uranus local space line go through Scotland just confirm this.    

Mars LS line go North East and Midland area suggest the potential unsettle areas.  Saturn LS line go to Wales area , Pluto ls line pass by south Wales and north Devon could suggest the blockage and damage of this area by the economy.

Mars Ls Line Moon Ls line and Saturn Asc line pass by Paris , Mars Ls continue the south east direction pass by Rome. These two countries could cause more conflict during the negotiation after trigger article 50. Saturn Asc line, Jupiter Ls line, Chiron Ls line are all near Spain Madrid and Gibraltar we can excepting old conflict been trigger, although Jupiter is beneficial, but in its detriment looks like Spain will not give UK support and we can only pray that Spain not cause more trouble.   

Saturn Ls go by Croatia and Greece, Turkey and Cyprus have Pluto As line three countries are going cause trouble to each other in political and financial area.  

Between London and Berlin have Venus and Mercury Ls lines contact it could be a surprise smooth deal between two governments. Venus and Mercury Ls line also go to Warsaw, but Uranus IC line right on there, we already know that people from Poland could face some challenge to stay after UK leave EU, story of separation polish family in the UK could be the media’s focus. This also suggested the Polish government could give the UK some shocking new or with detach attitude during the negotiation.   Vienna has a Pluto LS line suggest UK’s leaving will definitely fans up the far right political movement there as we expect. 

Neptune Jupiter go to Norway , not surprise this is the dream and the ideal situation that we may be able to follow Norway’s mode stay close with the EU but stay outside of it. Could this Dreams come true?  With Neptune….I am not sure. Mars Asc and Saturn Asc both pass by Sweden and Finland, Saturn Asc also goes through Denmark , this does not look very helpful for the negotiation. 

This may be also suggest if UK leaved. North Europe, France, Spain, Croatia and Greece will be affected badly.  Germany and Poland maybe have  better chance to get more benefit deals after all. 

The rest of the world is interesting, the Pluto IC right on New York this suggest US Economic maybe face huge challenge after new PM. China does not look good, but India seems like can get more benefit from UK’s EU leaving .

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Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.