Mundane Astrology forecasting for September Eclipses  2016


The next Solar Eclipse will happen on 1 September. Mundane astrologers think that eclipses have a powerful influence on world events and we are now stepping into one. This solar Eclipse will happen at 10:03am (BST) 1st September 2016. New Moon conjunct at 9 degrees Virgo.

SE2016chartTo understand it’s influence, we have to examine where this Eclipse will be located in the Zodiac and what major aspect there are at that moment. Virgo is Earthy triplicity, we can expect  major events will relate to Food, Famine, Land, Health, structure and Securities.  Virgo itself also relates to the Working class, Medical issues, small animals, Female’s issues in our society, slavery, discrimination and inequality.  As the mutable sign suggests unpredictability in an event’s situation when it happened, the ancient astrologers also call mutable sign a common sign which combines both Cordial signs’ ability to push forward and Fixed signs’ ability of hold its ground. This suggests a solution which in one way may dare to break the boundary and move forward and in another still consider the possibility of maintaining the good qualities from the past.

We can forecast in what area of society we should be careful and also where we may well be “surprised“ by looking on the house of the New Moon. In UK it is 11th house suggest, Parliaments (including Scotland, North Ireland, Wales) may start to change. In Western Europe, countries also have same situation, 11th house also represents welfare, social benefits, social security policies, and this is highly likely to be affected after the refuge crisis and the unsettling events one after another in France and Germany.  New Moon is located in 10th in Eastern part of Europe and this could suggest a chance of new governments or political reform. The New Moon located in 1st house and very close to 2nd house cusp in Washington DC suggests the whole country’s image is going to change and the financial system, food and resources should be important issues for US.  In Asia:  China, Korea, Japan all have New Moon in 7th house and it is very close to Descendent of Tokyo, so foreign affairs will be the focus of this area. The New Moon is located in 6th house for Australia so the Public Security, Health care and Labour unrest will become important issues in the country.

The ruler of the Solar Eclipse is Mercury, it is located in Virgo where it rules, usually this is highly dignified and suggests the background (cause) of those event may be from a good will.  However this Mercury just turns retrograde 2 days before Solar Eclipse and in its motion is very slow. This suggest hesitation and lack of will power or energy to make a move.  It could delay important actions because of this hesitation or delay the important event because of a lack of supplies.

Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn and Neptune will form a tight T-square in the September solar Eclipse, This aspect pattern will give us some idea about what government will need to focus on. Saturn and Mars in Sagittarius suggest: political reform, reform of religions, change of social structure, Conflict in foreign affairs and religious conflict.  In another side Neptune in Pisces suggests we should focus on: Drugs, Pollution, Ocean, Seafaring, Water related problems. Saturn square Neptune’s influence is a major concern for the Mundane astrologer for this year.  It usually related to financial market problems and religious conflicts. I will not say these are news however as these planets form the T square with Solar Eclipse suggest the challenges will even more powerful. Eclipses are usually seen as chaotic times but we have to know the Solar Eclipse is also a new moon which could suggest a starting point.  Therefore the conflicts related to Solar Eclipse may bring a new starting point to our society and allow us to reform it.

Following countries are more likely to be influenced by the Solar Eclipse as their country charts have Sun Moon of Ascendent conjunct with 9 degree Virgo, where New Moon of Solar Eclipse located . 

Sun conjunct or opposite 9 degree Sagittarius

Albania, Dominican Republic, Ireland, Finland, Iceland, Morocco, South Africa, Timor, Tonga, UAE, Ukraine.

Moon conjunct or opposite 9 degree Sagittarius

Brazil, Cyprus, France (1 Rep),Poland(Democratic), Tonga, Ukraine, UAE, Vatican city, Zimbabwe

Ascendent conjunct or opposite 9 degree Sagittarius

Belgium, Burma, Costa Rica, Ireland, Indonesia, Japan (MEIJI Constitution), Qatar, U.S.A, Vietnam


Following countries and areas are more likely to be influenced by Solar Eclipse as the outer Planets will be right on the angles according astromap.

Asia Pacific: Australia East coast, New Zerland, Japan, West China, Bangladesh, East part of India, Nepal. Iran , Middle East Countries.

Europe and Africa: East Part of Africa, Algeria and North west part of Africa,  Norway, Sweden, Denmark, West part of German, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Ireland. 

America: Alaska, West Coast of Canada and USA. Cites and States located between 89-101W Longitude ( such as Houston and Dallas). Mexico, Brazil, south Argentina and Chile.

Places near 2 degrees S and 34 degrees S Latitude, 99E Longitude are also going to witness powerful solar Eclipse influence.

Also If we can draw Local space map according Solar Eclipse  from capital we can also find out what area in the country will hit by problem. For Example , If we run a Solar Eclipse local space map from Berlin we can give warning about where in Germany should be careful. Pluto line pass Stuttgart , Mars Saturn lines pass Essen areas, these are the areas Government should pay more attention.    


Lunar Eclipse and Mars influence

Together with the Solar Eclipse, the Lunar Eclipse is also very important, the Solar Eclipse give as a starting point  and the Lunar Eclipse let us see what we have achieved in our individual life and what we have done to our society. Lunar Eclipse shows us the consequence of our previous behaviour,  the results of our hard work, but still as Eclipses are amazing astronomical event in the sky therefore the events will always come with shock and surprise.


The Lunar Eclipse will happened at 20:05 BST 16th Sep 2016, as Full Moon axis are located in Pisces and Virgo, it emphasise the same themes on the Food, Agriculture, working class, social benefit, Hospital and public health system, Water, Ocean, Drug Medicine and Pollution.     

Chiron conjunct with Moon in Pisces and Mars square Sun, Moon and Chiron.  We should treat this configuration more carefully, in my experience Mars Chiron aspect is usually related to violent events such as gunshot and riots. Also Mars is out of Bound from 8th August – 29th October. Out of bound Mars is like wild fire out of control, things associated with Mars such as: war, fighting, discord, violence, gunshot, life and death situation could appear on news. Another Mars effect will appear around 20-25th September when Mars in 26 Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic centre.

This also triggers three European country leaders’ Natal charts, Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande and Vladimir Putin, as they all have Mars in 26 Sagittarius.

The Sun Moon axis are very important indication, it also give as an idea about what areas of our society and our life should be focus during next 6 months. For example UK and most west European countries Full Moon axis is on 6th -12th houses axis, this suggest Public health system, hospital, prison  , Labour dispute and  working rights, slavery. In east Europe Full Moon axis move to 5th – 11th and suggest the children, social benefit , local government. In most Asian countries and Canada Full Moon axis is on 2nd- 8th about Financial issues Foreign Exchange policies and crisis. For Australia and Japan full Moon axis is on 1st -7th this is more likely indicate country itself, and Foreign relationship. For US Full Moon axis is on 3rd and 9th this suggest Law, transport system , Education, travel business, religions should be focus on.

Lunar Eclipse Astro map can also give us some idea about what areas in this world we should be careful. UK, France, North Europe, Iceland, US.

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Also If we can draw Local space map according Lunar Eclipse chart  from capital we can also find out what area in the country will hit by problem. For example Local space map from Whitehouse suggest that Chicago will have some crisis because Pluto LS line pass by.     


Saros cycle and Lunar Cycles

Eclipses following a 18 years Saros cycle which suggest that every 18 years Eclipses will happened in the similar part of sky and every 54 years Solar Eclipses will appears in the similar area. For example this Solar Eclipse links with Solar Eclipses in 1998, 1980 and 1962, and the Solar Eclipse in September will be visible in Africa area, 54 years ago a Solar Eclipse happened on 31 July, also visible in Africa. This reminds us that Africa could be have more impact than other places, and the event will link with what happened in 1998, 1980 and 1962. 

As we can see in UK Theresa May government tring to scarp Human right act which past on November 1998 and this is a exact things we can expect by study sarors cycle.

This Solar Eclipse will also trigger the New Moon or Full moon which happen at similar degrees at  Mutable signs. The events happening during that time could have future development around this Eclipse period.

3rd Dec 2013 New Moon on 10 Sagittarius

6th A 2-year old boy dies from Ebola in Meliandou, Guinea

10th Uruguay becomes the first country to legalize the growth, sale, and use of marijuana

15th Michelle Bachelet is re-elected President of Chile

29th The volcano, Chaparrastique,  erupts in El Salvador

1 Mar 2014 New Moon on 10 Pisces

6th Crimea’s parliament votes unanimously to make the Crimea a part of Russia

8th Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 with 239 people loses contact and disappears, prompting the most expensive search effort in history

10th German Chancellor Merkel warns Russia’s Putin that making Crimea part of Russia is illegal

and in violation of Ukraine’s constitution

11th Refugees from Syria pour into the Kingdom of Jordan

12th 8 people are killed, 70 are injured, & 2 buildings are leveled by a gas explosion in East Harlem, New York

17th The Republic of Crimea is declared 

3rd Sep 2014 New Moon on 13 Virgo

7th Tony Abbott becomes Prime Minister of Australia after a Liberal-National Coalitions wins the election

9th 60 people are killed in conflict between rebels and loyalists in the Central African Republic

15th Japan switches off its last working nuclear reactor

16th 21 people are killed by Hurricane Ingrid in Mexico

20th Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise is boarded by Russian military

Update on 1st Sep

After I sent my Eclipse article to C*I*A Editor Julija Simas, she pointed out that few Earthquakes were happened in the location where has planet lines past on the Astromap during last few days and suggested me if I can do a update.

Therefore, I did a bit study and find out that are few earthquakes are exactly located around Astromap planetary lines (En Mundo), more stunning picture comes out if we switch Astromap of September 2016 Solar Eclipse into Geodetic mode. Also few places has longitude or latitude very close to the longitude of Eclipse start (or end) point.
I have to give special thanks to Julija Simas.
Please I noted the date as UT time’s date.

The Solar Eclipse started near 2°S 18°W, End near 34°S 99E°

27th Aug M4.8 Jackson, WY USA: Saturn Mc (Geodetic)  Venus IC (En Mundo)

28th Aug M4.6  Norcia, Italy Sun Moon Ds Lines and Neptune As line (Geo)

29th Aug M7.1 West coast Africa near Liberia (0.041°S   17.826°W)Sun Moon Ic Neptune Mc (Geo) Pluto IC Venus Ds (En Mundo)  17.8°W is very close to the longitude of Eclipse start point.

30th Aug  M5.5 Constitución Chile Pluto Mc ( Geodetic) (34.898°S   72.530°W)  34°S is the latitude where Solar Eclipse line End.

30th Aug M5.6 – 250km NW of Visokoi Island (55.324°S   30.388°W) Neptune As line, Sun Moon Dsc lines,

31st Aug M4.5 Su’ao, Taiwan , Pluto Ascendent (Geodetic)

31st Aug M5.0 Uto Japan, Mars Mc line, Saturn Mc line (En Mundo)

31st Aug M6.7 East of Namatanai, Papua New Guinea (3.691°S   152.788°E)

Venus Ds line, Mercury Ds line, Jupiter Ds line (En Mundo), Sun Moon Mc lines (Geodetic)

Location also close the latitude where Solar Eclipse line started.

31st Aug  M5.8 – 188km NNE of Gisborne, New Zealand (37.208°S   179.125°E) Mercury Mc line, Jupiter Mc line, Chiron Ic line (Geodetic) 37°S is close to the latitude where Solar Eclipse line End.

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Published by

Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.

2 thoughts on “Mundane Astrology forecasting for September Eclipses  2016”

  1. Hi Rod, I am fascinated by the many predictions you and your group has made in respect of many countries and its coming political, religious, economic and environmental changes. But has your warnings ever heeded as many world leaders are too adamant to astrological revelations and warning. I am in love with astrology and the solutions it proffers, as a mundane astrologer can you please be Of assistance to me in the nearest future as I draw closer to the business and life of my dreams, the business of Agro farm tourism. That is in terms advice and continuous guidance in the science of mundane astrology. I will be most grateful, thanks. I will be expecting your reply.

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