2017 Aries Ingress Mundane Astrology Forecasting


Every year, around 21st March, the Sun shines directly on the equator and this makes the length of day and night almost equal for that day. In the Northern Hemisphere this is the Spring Equinox and in the South it is the start of Autumn. The Aries ingress is the beginning of Spring (in the Northern Hemisphere), the Cancer ingress is on the day of the Summer Solstice, the Libra ingress happens at Autumn Equinox when the Sun shines directly on the Equator again and moves towards the Southern Hemisphere.  Finally on 21st December the Sun’s light touches the most southern point it can reach in the South Hemisphere, it is Capricorn ingress and if you are living in Northern Hemisphere, winter has started but  people living in the Southern Hemisphere are enjoying the Summer on the beach.

It is also one of the important days for the astrologer who uses the tropical zodiac system, as on this day, the Sun moves into Aries for the beginning of spring time. In the Mundane astrology we use four cardinal ingress charts and Eclipse charts for yearly forecasting. The Solar Eclipse charts have at least one year influence, the effect of lunar eclipse charts are about six months. The Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn ingress charts tell us what we can expect for that season, however we notice the ancient astrologer weigh the Aries ingress chart much more than other three ingress charts especially when the Ascendant of Aries Ingress chart is on a Fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius ) , this suggests the atmosphere of the year is very similar to the Ascendant sign telling us “Fixed“, not going to change very much, even though we can still read other three ingress charts as a fine tuning of the season.

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On the Aries ingress chart, Jupiter opposite Uranus, square Pluto, formed a T-square, this is a strong signature of this year as it also appeared in the February Solar Eclipse and March Lunar Eclipse chart.

Between 2012-2015 Uranus and Pluto formed 7 exact squares. This was what astrologers focussed on during the last few years.  It suggests we have more idea of social, political and Economic reform.

This year Uranus-Pluto square still form a tight square although it is not going to be exact aspect. Moreover Jupiter is getting involved in the Aries ingress chart. Jupiter suggests religion, belief, philosophy, foreign countries and long distance traveling.  It is hard to ignore that Mars is also involved in this aspect pattern in Solar Eclipse, it suggests more upheaval in the political and economic areas, protests, attacks, and violent events.        

In UK and European countries, Cancer is rising on the Aries Ingress chart, the Cardinal sign suggests a dynamic early start. People and government are trying to focus on present issues and get ready for the challenge. The Ascendant ruler Moon will conjunct Saturn in 27 degree of Sagittarius. This suggests people are thinking carefully and are more reserved about what is happening around. We have a big picture of the future and we have to make it happen step by step with what we have learnt from history. As Saturn rules the 7th house and Saturn is also near Descendant, this suggests European countries will be more protected when facing foreign affairs, from this point of view we should not underestimate the influence of nationalism and far right parties.


Nevertheless, the Saturn and Moon conjunction are located at 27 Sagittarius – Galactic centre, this is a sensitive point of the Zodiac. Last time  Saturn was in the same place, there were the political and economic reforms started by Mihail Sergeevich Gorbachev in 1986 and the end of the Cold War which also happened that year.  Not to mention the strikes in Poland in 1988 which became another seed of the East European revolution.  Castro’s revolutionary army begins its attacks on Havana from April 1958 when Saturn was again at Galactic Centre 59 years ago. This could be a warning of disharmony of world politics but if we look at it carefully, wealth Inequality lead to these revolutions.

The Jupiter Uranus and Pluto T square are located in 5-7-11 for European countries, the Axis of 5-11 Houses are related to welfare, social security system, charity, local government and parliament, these things are essential during  social and political reforms and may be the cause of lots of argument. The 7th house is about foreign affairs,  as Brexit happen and the uncertainty of French, German general elections, the tension between EU countries will  increase.    

It looks like a bumpy road for 2017 Spring time if we look at Aries ingress chart of EU, UK and US, Neptune is on the Angles, this remind us one thing, we have to learn from our experiences. Fear  cruelty and rejection  are never the solution for hard times, we have to learn compassion, empathy, forgiveness and help each other, if we still remember what caused the 1st and 2nd World Wars and how we try hard to make sure these wars never happen again.   

(Flower Photo by Anders Jildén https://stocksnap.io/photo/XNN729WLMH)

(Messier 101 Photo https://pixabay.com/en/messier-101-ngc-5457-galaxy-10995/)

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Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.