2017 Cancer Ingress forecasting

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Every year in June, the Sun will reach its furthest point from the equator in the Northern Hemisphere. For the Northern Hemisphere it is the Summer Solstice and winter arrives in the Southern Hemisphere.  For the astrologer who uses the tropical zodiac (most western astrologers), it is also the day of Cancer ingress, the Sun moves into Cancer. Astrologers believe it has an important meaning when the Sun moves into Cardinal signs at the beginning of a new Season.  Also we can use the Cardinal ingress chart together with Eclipse charts and outer planets transit to forecast the seasonal World events.

In traditional astrology, Aries ingress is the most important chart.  However the Cancer ingress, Libra ingress and Capricorn ingress charts can also tell us what we can expect for the next three months. The aspects of this chart can give us a hint of the general theme around the whole World.

Sun Venus semi square

At this moment Venus also arrives at its greatest elongation and forms a semi square with the Sun, this usually suggests a very active financial market. Also, it indicates some difficulties in international diplomacy.

Sun Saturn Chiron T square       

Saturn Chiron squared is a major outer planet aspect of 2017, this aspect reminds us how people can get hurt by Authorities and Rules.  This also indicates old traditions could bring some problems. As the Sun is opposite Saturn and square Chiron, it will trigger this aspect and bring those issues into focus for the next three months. Some world leaders may face a huge challenge and lose their position.      

Sun sextile Uranus

As Uranus has a meaning of rebelling and revolution, when it sextile the Sun the change in society may appear in a easy way. We can see the Sun sextile Uranus as a reaction towards Sun Saturn and Chiron T square.

Mars opposite Pluto square Jupiter

The Mars Pluto aspect indicates how we will react when we face a crisis and Jupiter give a meaning of expansion.  So this aspect could suggest that we face difficulty when we act, maybe there are too many directions so that we are unable to focus on one thing,  or maybe we have high expectations for something that we are not able to achieve. This aspect could also suggest some religious conflict and  those international disputes comes to a dead end.  Nevertheless, Mars is out of bounds from Mid May to the end of June, so the conflicts and incidents could be very aggressive. *** (I have published this article in April 2017 in “IMF magazine and after that few terror attacts happen in UK in May and June.) 

As Mars is right on Ascendant of Cancer ingress chart in Europe area and it is the time of the Brexit negotiations, we can expect a huge conflict between the two sides and it may face an impasse during this time. The Sun is also very close to the Ascendant in the UK bringing immense challenges on political leaders. With Neptune and Chiron in the tenth House, some European governments could face chaotic situations especially East European countries.

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As Neptune is very close to the Ascendant in the Washington area, this not only suggests the chaos in the US, but also indicates some disasters such as Earthquake, Flooding, Fog, pollution, critical epidemic situation (same in Europe as Neptune near M.C).

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Jupiter is on Russia’s IC ruler 9th house.  As Jupiter forms a T square with Mars and Pluto, this may suggest some land and housing problems and territorial disputes. Sun Saturn Chiron T square affects the  Mc and Des in Beijing, this is more likely to bring political power struggle in China. Mars is right on MC of North Korea and South Korea.  There is tension building up in this area at the  time I write this article in Mid April, and this area also has Mars on Ascendent in February 2017 Lunar Eclipse chart.  So it could be more aggressive when summer coming.

Astromap of Cancer ingress

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Asia Pacific

North Korea, South Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam, Thailand, The Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Australia and Victoria, Iran, Yemen

Europe Africa

UK, France, Spain, Italy, Germany,  Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia Bulgaria Greece, Turkey, Russia, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa, Madagascar.


North East US, Quebec, California, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Rep, Mexico,Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Argentina     

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Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.