A review for 46P/ Wirtanen’s influence

Comet 46P on 11th Dec 2018
Comet 46P on 11th Dec 2018

A year later, I reviewed the major global events happened between Dec 2018 to 2020; comparing these to the article I wrote in Oct 2018, there are actually some interesting findings.

First of all, from the perspective of the comets and the planets on the zodiac, the comet ‘s orbit was between the end of Aries and Gemini from the end of November to December, and Uranus was the only planet in this region at that time.

The events that I predicted include riots, protests, nuclear, earthquakes, investment markets, which are all Uranus issues, as well as finances and large animals which are related to Taurus, and students, transportation, and communications that are related to Gemini. Surprisingly, the yellow vest movement broke out in France immediately after the comet passed Uranus in December. The whole movement lasted for over a year, which involved large-scale protests, riots and destructions as well as blockage of highways. The anti-extradition movement of Hong Kong that broke out in July gradually evolved into a large-scale protest, whose participants are mostly young people and students. In Russia, a rather serious explosion of nuclear weapon factory took place in Aug 2018 and was followed by radiation leakage.

Fixed stars and constellations outside of the zodiac are also used in my prediction. At that time, the comet passed constellation Fornax, and I pointed out that it may lead to events related to chemical factories and pollution – in January of 2019, an oil pipe explosion in Mexico killed 137 people; in March, a chemical factory exploded in China, which is so intense that it even triggered an subsequent earthquake; in September, a biochemical plant in Russia which stored Ebola, smallpox and anthrax exploded.

Then, the comet passed by the constellation Eridanus which symbolises water, rivers, falling down and dropping off, as well as sudden changes in the environment; in the summer of this year, both China and India suddenly suffered serious floods which caused numerous casualties and financial losses .

What is more spectacular is when the comet passed through the constellation Perseus, a constellation of intense masculine sexual drive; simultaneously, the sexual abuse cases of Harvey Weinstein became the focus of the world until he was finally sentenced in Jan 2020. The comet also passed another constellation Auriga, a constellation related to traffic and movement. I related this to issues related to the limitation of freedom of movement. Since January 23, 2020, the outbroke of the coronavirus epidemic led to the lockdown of Wuhan, followed by other cities in China and subsequently the lockdown of many other countries around the world in the spring of 2020. The epidemic has long been associated to comets. Besides the coronavirus which caused global shock and financial recession since Dec 2019, we   from ancient times to the present. In addition to our description of the new crown pneumonia that began to cause global shock and economic recession in December, not to mention the serious spread of Ebola in Africa in 2019.These events are indeed resonate with the movement of comet Wirtanen in the sky and the related delineation of the constellations, which I believe are of great help to astrological study.

Here is the article I wrote back to October 2018



Astrological Forecasting Through Comet 46/P Wirtanen 2018-2019

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Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.