Hungary’s anti LGBT Law and the tension with E.U, a manifestation of Saturn, Uranus square in Mundane astrology

The Saturn Uranus square is a major theme of 2021, it has three exact square in February June and December, but basically it influences us whole year. Saturn as restriction, protection, limitation, Uranus want to break the rule, set it free, or rebel. We notice the impact of this aspect of pandemic,  financial market, politic and social movement.     

From last week we have Venus conjunct Mars and both planets will trigger Saturn Uranus square. We heard the gay nurse has been killed in Spain and leading protests in whole country earlier this week. Hungary pass anti LGBT law in the name of protecting family and children, however, this act will encourage the discrimination, including on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Now, EU urged to suspend funds to Hungary over ‘grave breaches of the rule of law’. Let us exam this from Mundane astrologer’s view. 

First let us focus on background ,  the conflict of different values between EU countries never stop, interestingly if we check most East European county were indecent from USSR around 89-93 , these immediately remind us most east European countries has Uranus, Saturn, Neptune triple conjunction in Capricorn. This is also the beginning of current Saturn – Uranus cycle, and we are in its waning cycle, what happened during that time are related to late 80’s and early 90s. 

This tell us most East European countries are facing big challenges , theses challenges remind us how their countries fight for? Since dissolving of the USSR and join the EU, why the country want to be part of E.U?  This waning square help people understand what we should keep and what we can let it go.  

This conflict is not the only discord in the EU recently, we notice the western part of Europe and east part of Europe has a different idea of the future , if you notice that Saturn is at 23 Aquarius in the Maastricht Treaty chart ( most important chart of EU), it tell us EU is facing it’s Saturn return, an important exam for E.U is happening now. Saturn is a plant about rule and principal , what does EU stand for ?      We notice next New Moon in 10th July 2021 the M.C will fulling on EU’s Saturn suggest the tension will last for another month between EU and Hungary.

Saturn, Uranus square and it square Hungary’s Pluto  ( and some East European countries ).  What is countries value ? What is the country’s future? What need to change ? Could we keep our tradition while we move forward? We notice East European countries are struggling during pandemic, threat of Russia and has a different opinion about China with Germany and France. Saturn, Uranus square Natal Pluto tell us at this moment they are experience biggest nightmare.  

After understanding the Saturn – Uranus square as outfield and form a T square with Natal Pluto  , now we can bring other planets in. We notice that Mars and Venus are triggering this set of T square and make it become Grand Cross. 

Hungary joins EU in 2004 when Neptune is at 14 degrees  Aquarius suggests a vision ( Neptune ) of a different future, an Aquarius flavour of humanitarianism, transiting Saturn, Uranus square form a T square with it, it is very clearly challenge the relationship between Hungary and EU.  

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Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.