Astrological forecasting for French presidential election on 24th April 2022

5th Republic chart’s Transit

5th Republic comes to Uranus waning cycle Tr Uranus square Nt Uranus, Suggest French people are expecting a change. Also Saturn triune Node suggest they need a strong authority figure to protect them.

5th Republic chart’s

Solar ArcChiron on Asc, suggest people are woundedUranus on Dec, Huge change is coming.Neptune on M.C a weak leader or a leader give you a dream like ( MAGA type ) or a lair ?

Put all togetherThey want to change and make different …Will Marie Le Pen offer a change ? YesBut does this change is what exactly they want ? I am not sure.

Candidate chart with 5th Republic


Macron has 28 Capricorn on Asc, the Transit Pluto stationary there, not a great sign, in one way is suggest Macron will be very un popular and in another way this suggest whole country step into crisis, if he become a leader.Transit Uranus on his Natal Moon , another change … but if he is already president what will change for him ?Solar Arc Uranus at 29 Sagittarius conjunct Macron’s Sun another indication of Huge change in his life, and Pluto on M.c since 2019 Solar Arc Saturn conjunct Pluto, face his fear and scandal will comes out.

Macron and 5th Republic

Moon aspect ( how people feel about Macron )Pluto widely square Moon in 5th Rep : People can feel he is hiding something , people does not like him .

Uranus trine Moon : Offer an opportunity to change welcome by middle class

His Venus on 5th republic

Saturn : offer security and protection

His Venus sextile 5th republic

Node : popularHis Pluto conjoint Node widely : unpopular


Tr Chiron on Dec, and N.N …challenge from outside or play a victim role of country

Venus Jupiter Neptune opposite her Pluto: Try to soften her weakness point, trying to make up

Tr Uranus square the Sun , Huge change of life , cut off from man or father ( The Moon on election day trigger this. Will be a victory or life changing for her)

Solar Arc Venus just pass Asc , Very popular sign.

Solar Arc Mars on Pluto Solar , to fight and to protect her deepest fear

Solar Arc Chiron Square Venus : Wounded woman wounded daughter

Le Pen’s solar return chart has Uranus on M.C suggest a huge change in her life.

LePen and 5th Republic

Her Saturn on 5th rep’s Node and ASC. Also square 5th rep Moon : In one way offer protection in another make people dislike her.

Her Pluto square 5th Saturn : describe far right and xenophobia image

Her Venus trine Saturn : Her Value are welcome by some people who need protection

Her Sun conjcutn 5th rep Uranus : She maybe play a hero when people feel need to change.

Both Macron and LePen share similar image when come pare with 5th Republic chart, there is no one better than another , they both bring threat but can give hope for change something.

Opening of Polls on 24 Apr 2022 8am Paris Contest chart

Asc 2 Gemini
Des 2 Sagittarius
Mc 2 Aquarius
Ruler of 1st Mercury represent
Mercury on 23 Taurus 30
No essential dignity
In the 12th house weak influence
Squaring Saturn from 10 and Saturn is L10 L9
Sextile Jupiter from 11th Jupiter L7 L8
( sextile Neptune and Trine Pluto )
Mercury conjunct NN not most important but still helpful
As Mercury has no essential dignity
We may check it’s disposer Venus
Venus in Exaltation in 11th and sextile Mercury it will help
Macron get support’s help even they dislike him.

Will Le Pen successful challenge and win ?

LePen’s opportunity
L7 Jupiter in 26 Pisces in the Rulership
L7 Jupiter in 11th good luck house of good spirit
Venus conjoint Jupiter and ruled by Jupiter really going to help from working class.
Jupiter ’s first aspect is sextile Pluto than sextile Mercury
Pluto in 9th News medial
Mercury media … forger medial social medial help Le Pen
Mercury represent Macron …
L7 represent Le Pen has good dignity and locate in good house meet Venus , this must be her best shot to win.

Macron’s opportunity
L1 represent Macron has no dignity and in 12th, where can not have influence only rely on dispositior ’s help ( Supporters, Sponsors ).
L6 Venus support both candidate, although they like Le Pen more. ( Ruler by Jupiter L7 ) however it contact L1 Mercury ( Macron ) first. This suggest for some reason they change their mind and give power to Macron before they can reach LePen .
Moon’s next aspect square Uranus and square Mercury after.
Also L10 represent wining of this election it contact Mercury but can not see Jupiter
Saturn play a crucial role here, it is ruler of M.C and 10 House, the house represent authority and victory.
It aligns with Deneb Algedi the tails of Goat Capricorn, today’s position at
23 AQ 51 ( Saturn at 23 AQ 52 )
According Dr. Brady is a law maker and leader’s star
According Robson It is said to cause beneficence and destructiveness, sorrow and happiness, and life and death. [Robson, p.159.]
Saturn in AQ has dignity and in 10th house have influence, and only 1 minutes away from this fixed stars.
It is term ruler for Mercury ( L1 represent Macron ) and aspect it.
Bonatti say if a significator here will be the most Strong Secret Helper.
In this chart Saturn sextile Mercury will offer great help to Macron.

The contest chart tell us Le Pen has big change and gain popularity however the secret helper give unpopular Macron a favour, like a king maker or a group of king makers help him to win the election.

Published by

Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.