Magnitude 7.5 Earthquake happen in Peru

Magnitude 7.5 Earthquake happen in Peru at 

 05:52 AM 25th Nov 2021,  

When event happen sun rise Jupiter is around I.C, I hope jupiter does protect people there.  ( Pray for Peru )

Pluto and Venus will pass Peru when Solar Eclipse happen in 4th December

Pluto cross Peru and west coast of South America on 19 November  Lunar Eclipse, this means for Lunar Eclipse chart Pluto will be on the I.C in Peru.

Mercury on Asc and Mars on IC in Aries ingress 2021 

Saturn on Asc square Uranus near IC for Libra ingress 2021

How big is a magnitude 7.5 earthquake ? 

When an earthquake more stronger than magnitude 6 can cause a lot of damage. For each whole-number increase in magnitude, the seismic energy released increases by about 32 times. That means a magnitude 7 earthquake produces 32 times more energy — or is 32 times stronger — than a magnitude 6

I have not see the news report of damage but I guess is too early as it just happened, i will keep updating .

Freedom or Security – a choice to make during the Saturn Uranus square

A petition calling for make verified ID a requirement for opening a social medial account draw my attention because few of my friends mention it today. This petition was originally created in March 2021. I was interested to see that this issue has been highlighted again after the racist abuse of England football players.  

I totally understand that the original idea of this petition is for good, but I am very surprised that people in a western country are willing to sacrifice  freedom in exchange for protection, which I personally am a bit cautious of  because some countries take freedom of expression away from people. I am from a country that used to be a police state before 1980’s and was warned when I was 10 that something I said could put my family in prison.  This was a country where anonymity was important to protect those working to free the country, such as journalists and whistleblowers and also minority groups.

Looking at the other side of the World, only a week ago, Google have privately warned the Hong Kong government that they could stop offering their services in the city if authorities proceed with planned changes to data-protection laws that could make them liable for the malicious sharing of individuals’ information online. The Hong Kong government intention is to amend the data-protection law to crack down on the criticism of them from pro-democrats. 

I know the situation in this petition and what is happening in Hong Kong are not the same, but interestingly they are on either end of the Freedom and Security spectrum. As an astrologer I am not surprised because we are under influence of Saturn Uranus square and one of the Saturn Uranus themes is Freedom and Security.   

If you are interested about Saturn Uranus square ,this Saturday Lynn Bell will give a talk “Holding Tight and Breaking Free: Saturn Squares Uranus” 17 Jul 2021 17:00 BST

Click link for enrol £20

Hungary’s anti LGBT Law and the tension with E.U, a manifestation of Saturn, Uranus square in Mundane astrology

The Saturn Uranus square is a major theme of 2021, it has three exact square in February June and December, but basically it influences us whole year. Saturn as restriction, protection, limitation, Uranus want to break the rule, set it free, or rebel. We notice the impact of this aspect of pandemic,  financial market, politic and social movement.     

From last week we have Venus conjunct Mars and both planets will trigger Saturn Uranus square. We heard the gay nurse has been killed in Spain and leading protests in whole country earlier this week. Hungary pass anti LGBT law in the name of protecting family and children, however, this act will encourage the discrimination, including on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Now, EU urged to suspend funds to Hungary over ‘grave breaches of the rule of law’. Let us exam this from Mundane astrologer’s view. 

First let us focus on background ,  the conflict of different values between EU countries never stop, interestingly if we check most East European county were indecent from USSR around 89-93 , these immediately remind us most east European countries has Uranus, Saturn, Neptune triple conjunction in Capricorn. This is also the beginning of current Saturn – Uranus cycle, and we are in its waning cycle, what happened during that time are related to late 80’s and early 90s. 

This tell us most East European countries are facing big challenges , theses challenges remind us how their countries fight for? Since dissolving of the USSR and join the EU, why the country want to be part of E.U?  This waning square help people understand what we should keep and what we can let it go.  

This conflict is not the only discord in the EU recently, we notice the western part of Europe and east part of Europe has a different idea of the future , if you notice that Saturn is at 23 Aquarius in the Maastricht Treaty chart ( most important chart of EU), it tell us EU is facing it’s Saturn return, an important exam for E.U is happening now. Saturn is a plant about rule and principal , what does EU stand for ?      We notice next New Moon in 10th July 2021 the M.C will fulling on EU’s Saturn suggest the tension will last for another month between EU and Hungary.

Saturn, Uranus square and it square Hungary’s Pluto  ( and some East European countries ).  What is countries value ? What is the country’s future? What need to change ? Could we keep our tradition while we move forward? We notice East European countries are struggling during pandemic, threat of Russia and has a different opinion about China with Germany and France. Saturn, Uranus square Natal Pluto tell us at this moment they are experience biggest nightmare.  

After understanding the Saturn – Uranus square as outfield and form a T square with Natal Pluto  , now we can bring other planets in. We notice that Mars and Venus are triggering this set of T square and make it become Grand Cross. 

Hungary joins EU in 2004 when Neptune is at 14 degrees  Aquarius suggests a vision ( Neptune ) of a different future, an Aquarius flavour of humanitarianism, transiting Saturn, Uranus square form a T square with it, it is very clearly challenge the relationship between Hungary and EU.  

Visible Nova in constellation Cassiopeia

A Visible Nova in constellation Cassiopeia, V1405 Cas was been discovered in March and it was about magnitude 9.6 that time, but it reach Magnitude 5 now and going to brighter.

V1405 Cas is located near 1 ºTaurus (I am still working on exact position). For astrologers this suggest important quality of Yin or the traditional view of female quality , nurture, passive, submissive, react, reflex , reflection, acceptance. It maybe also indicates important events relate to female leaders in the coming year.

In ancient Chinese astrology, nova is what they called ” Guest Star ” (客星), it was very important in divination, as they are ” unusual ” and represent ” unusual event”,  ancient Chinese astrologer will make prediction according where located the ” Guest star”. 

   The area of  V1405 Cas  belong to 騰蛇 Téng shé means Soar Snake, it is a symbol of north tribe and related to Cloud,Rain, fog, creature living near water. When a guest star appear in  Soar Snake area usually indicate lots of rain and big flood (客星守騰蛇,雨水為災).

Train crash in Hualien, Taiwan 2nd April

Image from EBC New Taiwan

This event happened at 9:28 am Local time, location Xiuline Hualien  ( 24N12, 121 E40 ), 51 people killed in this incident. It is a national holiday in Taiwan, the Tomb Sweeping festival people are travelling home to join their family for this festival to pay their respects to ancestors.

If you want to publish your research base on the data and the time I found, please at least mention the resource is from me, I am not just “ another in another group”

The event chart has 16º Sagittarius rising and  Mars rising on the ascendent, the Moon is near Dec opposite Mars. Mars was aligned with fixed stars Rigel, Orion’s feet, according Ptolemy, this fixed star has Jupiter, Saturn nature and related to renown and inventive or mechanical ability. Mercury semi square Saturn.

According Taiwan railway company’s data the departure time of ” Taruko 408 ” is 7:16 am from Shulin, Taipei. The departure time’s chart has Uranus on Ascendent , Pluto on M.C, The Local space Saturn line pass by where the incident happened. The moon rules 3rd house, in 10 º Sagittarius, 8th house opposite Mars, Moon also aligns with fixed stars Antares, the heart of Scorpion.

Fixed Stars Ankka was rising when the train departed from Taipei.

June 2020 Solar Eclipse

Notice Hualien is pretty close to the tropic of cancer and also remember we have June 2020 Solar Eclipse right at 0 º Cancer , in this Chart We have Uranus on Ds, Saturn near I.C Mars conjunct Neptune Mars square New Moon. Mercury rulers 8th house in the Eclipse chart square by the Sun and Venus from event chart.

The Mercury in the Event Chart is located at 26 Pisces conjunct Mars in the Jun 2020 Eclipse square New Moon in the Eclipse chart.

Solar Eclipse on 15 Dec 2020

The Solar Eclipse on 15 Dec 2020

The Solar Eclipse on 15 Dec has New Moon on 23 Sagittarius conjunct Mercury, opposite by the Mars from the Event chart and form a mutable T-square with Neptune in the Dec 2020 Eclipse chart.

The Solar Eclipse on 15 Dec has New Moon on 23 Sagittarius square by recent new Moon on 13 March. Venus on December Solar Eclipse chart at 3rd house cusp also square by Mercury from New Moon chart. Mars New Moon chart square Pluto in the Dec 2020 Solar Eclipse chart.

The recent full moon chart in Hualien has Saturn conjunct Ascendent square Uranus from 3rd house. 

If I use location to Taipei capital of Taiwan we can see Mars LS ( local space ) line goes to where accident happened.


Suez Canal blocked by Ever Given 2021

Suez canal is blocked by one of the largest container ships belong to Evergreen marine co. I wrote a series of post on Facebook and Twitter, so i try to put it all together here.

This event occurred at 7:40 EET 23 Mar 2021 near Suez, Pluto was right on M.C, Uranus was right on ASC. Moon was at 21 Cancer opposite Pluto, Mercury semi square Pluto. This company found in 25 Sep 1968 in Tauyuan Taiwan, I use midday chart, it has Mercury and Venus at 27 and 28 Libra square by Pluto, opposite Saturn in 23 Aries and Transit moon trigger and make it a cardinal grand cross.

The Aries ingress chart from Suez canal has Venus align with Scheat on M.C, Scheat is famous for Shipwreck.

I was wondering the departure time of Ever Given, so I went to Taiwan international ports corporation site to dig out more information. Ever Given departure from Kaohsiung, Taiwan on 23 Feb 2021 20:20.

Venus the ruler of Asc and 8th house was at 27 Aquarius, 5th house, Venus square Mars in 25 Taurus, you can say it more or less align with Algol Moon the M.C ruler was near M.C and in Cancer where she rules, trine Neptune. Mercury rules 9th house in 5th, at 11 Aquarius was conjunct with Jupiter and Saturn, and square Uranus, it triggered the Saturn Uranus square. Chiron was very close to Dsc sextile Saturn.

More interesting if you check the ACG Map you will find the Pluto Ds line was 3 degrees away from the Suez Canal. The Mercury, Uranus Paran lines was on the latitude 30 N near the Suez canal’s latitude. In my research of astromap work on mundane events, this situation occurred very often, the astromap of departure, time of airplane or boat has Pluto line or Saturn line on where the problem happened.

People are asking when Suez Canal will free from Blockage. At this moment they are expecting hight tide to free the ship. Is that possible.

I wrote this forecasting on 28th March and put on social media

Ever Given block Suez Canal on 23rd it was after waxing square, If we check the Full moon chart on 28th March, Moon at 8 degree opposite the Sun, Chiron Venus , but Moon also form an Air grand trine with Mars and Saturn, Jupiter will on I.C of Suez, this may increase the chancee to free the ship.

Also on the 29th March Moon will arrive 21 Libra square the Moon of the event chart at 21 Cancer, it could be seen as the first critical point, Moon at 21 Libra will trine Jupiter at 22 Aquarius, this also give us more hope that current rescue action may work and high tight on 28th 29th Mar may help to move container ships. Both charts look the Blockage of Suez Canal may be will finish around this time.

For those of you interested in astromapping in astrology, I am presenting an Astromap workshop on 15th May 2021.If you are interested in signing up, here is the link:

Astrological Forecasting for Pisces New Moon, Syzygy of Aries Ingress and Aries Ingress 2021

Pisces New Moon 
Pisces new Moon conjunct Neptune reinforces the Pisces themes of kindness, empathy, understanding of duality and ability to mix different things together. However, there was a Solar eclipse on 14 Dec at 23 Sagittarius, which still has influence at this time and the new Moon at 23 Pisces will trigger this solar eclipse by exact square. This indicates we will experience some shocking events until the next new Moon in April. These events are related to the Pisces and Neptune theme, for example more concerns about the Virus, Pollution, Gas, Seafair and Water. The December Solar Eclipse belongs to the Saros cycle 142 this series has a strong Venus/Pluto flavour in the mundane level, suggesting greed and corruption, scandal, sex or relationship or female. In the personal life, if you have Planets or Angles around 23 Mutable sign, check the theme of that planet to find the things you will need work on this month, for example, if you have Mars in 23 Gemini, the Mars theme is courage and self-expression. Also those events that started at the end of last year may stir up again, for Europe and UK it looks like the vaccine plan and Brexit could have new developments.
The New Moon at 23 Pisces aligns with the fixed Star Markab in Pegasus. The name is from an Arabic word مركب Markab “the saddle of the horse”, Ptolomy said this fixed star has Mars, Mercury nature. Roberson says it gives honour, riches, fortune, danger from fevers, cuts, blows, stabs. If we look from the view of horse riding, Markab represent the saddle on Pegasus, it is the saddle of the horse it makes journey smooth and stable, this may be an auspicious sign, allowing our society move forward more smoothly. 

Syzygy of Aries Ingress 2021

The Syzygy ( the New Moon or Full Moon ) before Aries ingress has an important meaning to ancient astrologers who used this time to predict the financial situation and price at Market for the year and first 3 months. For Wall street, the Saturn square Uranus in 2nd house give us a warning about unstable market performance, both 2nd house ruler and Mc ruler are in the Cadent house which does not have power to increase market gain.  The Saturn in its ruled sign of Aquarius could suggest inflation. However, it is located in the cadent house for the Aries ingress Syzygy chart of most of major cities. That is a good sign together with Venus Exalted in Pisces conjunct New Moon.  It indicates that inflation will not be a major concern for the first six months of 2021.  Additionally, we can see the spending on leisure, clothing, beauty and fashion will be increasing strongly. For businesses, the spending on employees, personnel and administrative expenses will increase too.  Saturn square Uranus is an important indication of the financial Market. Saturn represents regulation and restriction from governments, and this set of planet aspects has a long history related to financial crises. Even though Syzygy for Aries Ingress 2021 does not support this, there is still a possibility that we are going to experience a down turn of the investment market, it could be May-June or between September and November when Saturn also semi-square Neptune.      We also should be careful because as Mars is going to trigger last year’s Eclipse around Mid-April while it conjuncts Moon’s north node, this could increase conflict, riots. A similar theme is repeated in the White house’s Aries ingress chart that Mars conjunct I.C. Mars in Gemini on I.C suggesting aggressive action in the environment and conflict displayed on the media. Meanwhile the 4th house also suggests problems related to land and house price. We should keep an eye on how these conflicts, riots and house prices influence market performance. 

The Aries Ingress 2021 
In the Aries ingress chart the Moon is wild conjunct with Mars in Gemini, this tells us people have something to say, they are angry. For people who are living in the lockdown situation, they yearn for social activity. If the government does not understand this and prepare for it, Mars energy will increase and become fights and riots. Moon 16 Gemini, it was trine Saturn and now going to trine Jupiter this movement repeats a similar theme of free movement and says not to restrict, even if people understand the restriction was for their own good (Moon in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius).  Saturn square Uranus is the major theme of this year, it basically suggests the conflict between different classes, races, new ideas and old traditions. Fighting between authorities and rebels, big tech companies and the government will continue through this year. 
For U.S, although Mars in Gemini on I.C suggests the possibility of conflict and house price problem, Ascendent ruler Saturn is strong, Saturn square with Uranus trine Moon and Mars again indicates conflict between the races, classes, and politicians, but Jupiter, ruler of M.C and 11th was on the Ascendent suggesting government slowly leads the country out of the pandemic.
For Europe and the UK, Gemini ascendent and ascendant ruler Mercury in Pisces in 10th suggests an interesting situation that people’s voices will be the important concern of authority This could be rise of populism, or it could be government having no power and needing support from people since Jupiter rules 11th in 10th (or near M.C), Saturn rule M.C in its own sign, but in 9th house. As Saturn rules M.C, so the events related to Saturn square Uranus will be highlighted in these areas.     
The Neptune will be on the Descendent of China, Indonesia,  West Australia, and also on the M.C of East Europe and South Africa raising concerns about the pandemic development.  Mars will be on the M.C of Thailand and Myanmar and Central American countries, suggesting unsettled times in these areas will continue. 

Saturn square Uranus, a calling for more inclusivity in the astrology community.

It was in early 2020 I received an invitation to talk about how Saturn in Aquarius will have an impact on communities and group especially the astrology community. During my preparation for this talk, I noticed that we usually experienced conflicts between different classes or groups during Saturn in Aqurius. I noticed such phenomena were already starting even before 2019 but may become more intense during this time, especially when Saturn starts to square Uranus, and at that time there were few things that drew my attention.  The first was in December 2019, when the J.K Rowling-transphobia row started with her support for a researcher who lost an employment tribunal case for using “offensive and exclusionary” language on Twitter. This was followed by the discussion of “Cancel culture”.   I naively thought that these may have nothing to do with the astrology community but I was totally wrong. 

At that time, I had more concern that extreme comments over “Different zodiacs”, “Traditional versus Modern” or discussion over the U.S presidential election 2020 would cause unpleasant moments in our community. Thank goodness we all behaved ourselves. However, around June 2020, J.K Rowling’s transphobia row again drew our attention, and the conflict got closer to me, as a few discussions on Facebook ended up with personal attacks or insults towards to people with different views. Soon I learned that a few fellow astrologers faced criticisms over race or gender issues.  I finally realised that it is inevitable that we have to learn these lessons about inclusivity even if we want to have nothing to do with “Politics” or only want to talk about astrology. 

When reading those discussions, I learn that most of us are all trying very hard to build a more inclusive community or society. I have also noticed that what I have been taught in school may not historically accurate and, if I am not careful, my words could hurt some people, which is never my intention. 

From the beginning of this year, Saturn square Uranus again and it will be on and off due to their retrograde motion,  but these two planets will dominate all of 2021. In one way it clearly suggests the huge tension between different classes, races and genders. However, they both rule Aquarius, a sign representing humanity, community and group. This echoes the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius at the end of December 2020, that we are stepping into a different era.  

The Saturn-Uranus square is calling us to work together, no matter how different we are. There is always space for us to communicate and there is always a way to understand each other, if we want to. It calls us to be more inclusive, more aware of diversity and to respect each other.  

As astrologers, assuming that hurting our peers, clients and students is not our intention, we may need to be more aware of the diversity of society. Perhaps in the past we were only taught about male and female and did not realise the fluidity and diversity that gender encompasses.  We may have been taught about “great people”, without being told the harm those ‘great people’ may have done.  Perhaps those of us with a deeper understanding of these issues can help to educate those of us who do not understand the pain these issues may cause people now.

To my dear fellow astrologers, I want to say that sometimes there is a violent response from some people because they are wounded and in pain, and we can do better by being aware of diversity and historical accuracy. 

For those people who have had uncomfortable experiences during talks, lectures, readings and conferences, I am sorry that you were hurt. Maybe you can help others to learn about the causes of your pain and how their lecture content made you feel uncomfortable. I think that most of us are not doing it with the intention to hurt you, and bear in mind that some of us were taught history in a different way and may have not been updated since the 70’s or 80’. I know that an astrologer/speaker/tutor should make everyone in the room feel safe, but you can help them and remind them that they can do better.

Discussions in some threads I have read recently have haunted me.As more and more astrologers will face similar situations: the diversity of genders; injustice and historical accuracy needing to be heard; the voice of minority groups’ needing to be respected and heard. These will help us to build a better future for our community and society. But perhaps we need to remember communication skills and kindness will have an impact on how our messages are received? For most people criticism, harsh words and attack are not easy to digest. I do not mean they are not allowed, no au contraire, you are entitled to say what you want (within the bounds of legality) but think about whether it is helpful. 

Another thing that comes to my attention, I may be wrong, but I have a feeling that someone was just slinging mud around to get noticed and in doing so made unjustified allegations against some in our community. This concerns me as we should be supporting each other, against those who have a low regard for astrology.

As I am a part of the QTBPOC community, I have been asking myself the following questions over the last two weeks: 

  1. J.K Rowling ‘s language is hurting LGBTQ+ community, but does that mean that someone is Anti-LGBTQ+ by talking about her chart without acknowledging the harm she caused? 

2. Gandhi was a misogynist and a vocal supporter of apartheid, so you can call someone a racist or misogynist for talking about Gandhi’s chart without condemning him?

3. Referring to Andromeda and Perseus in Greek mythology causes someone to feel uncomfortable. Does that mean that those of us who refer to them are helping to perpetuate gender stereotypes? If it does, how should we relate to these constellations without mentioning their gender?  Can we continue to discuss zodiac signs and planets in terms of masculine and feminine without causing hurt? 

Again, I have learned a lot these last two weeks by reading those threads, and I know that most of us don’t want to hurt each other intentionally. 

Yes, injustice still exists, but is it really true that our community is divided and is white people against all the rest and straight people against LGBTQ+?   We need help each other, so how will you help your community? Will you simply accuse the whole world of threatening you or will you work together with your fellow astrologers to help improve understanding?  


Powerful magnitude 7.3 earthquake jolts Fukushima area on 13th Feb 2021

A Powerful magnitude 7.3 earthquake occurred in Fukushima area on 13th Feb 2021 one day after New Moon.

I hope friends in Japan are well, pray for you.The transit Uranus was right on the Western horizon when the earthquake happened. The New Moon chart also has Uranus around I.C, and we know the Urans square Saturn at the moment, this Uranus on the Descendent on the event chart and Uranus near the I.C on the New Moon chart all bring out the Saturn square Uranus

This earthquake reminded us that 10 years ago, on 11 March 2011 another Earthquake hit same area and cause a huge disaster. When comparing with 2011 Chart, today’s Uranus is right on M.C and today’s Moon Neptune is on that day’s Sun

When I check the 2020 Capricorn ingress chart and 2020 Aries Ingress chart of Fukushima, I can not find planet on the Angles but if I relocate to capital Tokyo it is very clear that Saturn Pluto on the angle of 2020 Aries ingress chart and the Mars / Saturn on the angles of Capricorn ingress chart suggest the crisis and destructive event should be aware.

Game Stop IPO chart an example of How Lunation work in astrology

Gamestop was found in 37 years ago, the exact day is difficult to find, however, we have, it’s IPO date which is 13 Feb 2002 and if we use this date to study it’s share price and recent event we will understand more about financial astrology and Lunation technique. 

First, we have know that the big part of this even is not a single company’s share price performing in stock market as I mention before, the big theme behind this drama is Saturn-Uranus square, which give more meaning about the old generation, old money conflict with New generation, why the wall street investor can play in stock market but other people (Redditor) could not against them ?      Why, when editor want to against Wall-Street investors, the investment app Robinhood has to limit their transaction , and the big tech have to remove their user group or remove their complain? When the new generation fights with old generation in the unequal condition what the authority would do?  

So we have to bare in mind that Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius and Saturn square Uranus in Taurus are the major concern of this “ event “ or “ chaos “ . 

After this we can go to other technique,  for example the Gamestop IPO chart, some Financial astrologers against IPO chart, but I found when we lack of other information, IPO chart can always give us some information about the market performing. The IPO date was 13 Feb 2002, it has Sun conjunct Uranus exactly, it also has Saturn in 8Gemini trine  Neptune at 9 Aquarius, this is very interesting because we immediately notice that transiting Uranus is on Neptune, a surprisingly (Uranus) frantic enthusiasm (Neptune), and this aspect pick up Saturn Uranus square as Tr Saturn in Taurus square Neptune too. We also notice transit Saturn trine radix Saturn on the IPO chart. Saturn as M.C ruler, it is not only about its own or its relationship with authority , in some way M.C represents “ profit “ and in this case it is exactly about the “ profit “. 

The Wall-Street investors want to make profit on stock squeeze Gamestop, because it’s decline business this is the problem of Gamestop represent by Chiron on 6 Capricorn ( Traditional way ) but the Transit Uranus in Taurus trine it, indicate  the support from “ internet user’s invest “. 

If we check the date we will find out its price went sky high on 28th Jan the day of Full Moon in Aquarius, on that day the transit Sun was exactly on radix Neptune, Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus form T-square with Full Moon  trigger this Natal Saturn Neptune trine and transit Uranus Saturn square. So basically Transit Saturn – Uranus lay out the foundation of the event and the T-square of Full moon trigger on it.     

More interesting if you look at Lunation, this Full Moon on 9 degrees Leo was started from 31st Jul 2019 when New Moon happened at 8 degrees Leo, basically the New Moon on 31st Jul 2019 right on 5th house cusps, opposite radio Neptune this is where it started , now let us go back to 31st Jul 2019 we will find out during that month a lots of things happen in Gamestop.   

According Wikipedia 

Interior of a store in 2019

A leaked email revealed on July 31, 2019, indicated that 50 employees, including district and regional managers, would be laid off as a result of reorganization efforts.

 Later, in August 2019, GameStop laid off over 120 positions, including about half of the staff of Game Informer as part of their “GameStop Reboot initiative to transform our business for the future and improve our financial performance”.

In August 2019, Michael Burry’s investment firm Scion Asset Management sent a letter to GameStop urging the company to engage in a portion of stock buybacks. 

The letter also revealed that Scion currently owns approximately 2,750,000 shares, or about 3.05% of GME. GME, which has been in steady decline in share price since late January 2019, saw a spike of roughly 20% after Burry revealed that he’s going long on the stock in an interview with Barron’s. In the interview, Burry explained that both Sony and Microsoft will enter the next console generation with a physical disc drive and therefore likely extend the longevity of GameStop. 

Why this is important ? Because Astrology is working on planetary cycle, a lunation cycle is how event develops, it could represent a lunar month, it also can work on the important alienation occurred at same degrees, in this case when it happen in New Moon 9 months after it will have waxing square and 18 months after it will have a Full Moon to reveal the result. Now when we look again about this event with Lunation technique, it is fit in perfectly.