2016 Orlando nightclub shooting


photo from CNN website http://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/12/us/orlando-nightclub-shooting/

This tragedy happened in Orlando gay club – Pulse ( Florida) ,  at 2:02am 12 June 2016, according report 50 killed and 53 injured. It is most deadliest mass shooting in US history. Be a part of LGBTI communities I am deeply shocking about this event and feel sorry for people who lost their life their loved one in this event. This is a terrorist attack aim on LGBTI communities, hate crime doesn’t matter what religion is behind and I still believe there is religious who believe in love and equal right .  

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The Event chart has Chiron close to Ascendent and trine Mars , I was very concern about Chiron Mars combination in the New Moon chart, several important violence attack does happened when Chiron contact with Mars, usually the hard aspect but this time Chiron form a tight trine with Mars. We know there is a grand cross on New Moon chart of 5th June , this grand cross from by Sun Moon Venus Jupiter Saturn Neptune. The Saturn Neptune are very interesting linking with lots of extremism religious crisis.   

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The first time I heard about this attract I draw the event chart and Eclipse chart but nothing stand out but Uranus on the angle in the both Solar and Lunar Eclipse. This could related to the shocking and soddenly separation also Uranus has been consider as a symbol of homosexuality and the place has been attacked is a gay club.

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When I double check and correct the time to 2:02 am theAscendent change from 29 Pisces to 00 Arise , this remind me something must link with Aries ingress and we find Mars is exact conjunct the Ascendent of  Aries ingress chart . We can see in the Astromap that Mars is over Orlando on the Aries Ingress chart .

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The Perpetrator Omar Mir Seddique Mateen was boron in New York in November 16, 1986 time unknown, it will surprise you when you see the synastry between Mr Mateen and Event chart, His Sun conjunct transit Mars, his Mars in 24 Aquarius square his natal Sun and square Transit Mars, His Chiron conjunct transit Sun , and it is his Saturn return this year. As time Unknow I don’t want to use this Moon ( opposite his Mars and conjunct Algol. only if he was boron on Midday)    

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We know one of strange function in Astromap is that both ACG lines and Local Space lines can relate one place to another.  We know Mateen was born in New York and the Saturn LS event chart toward to New York from Orlando, Uranus LS line from New Moon chart also goes to New York. 

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Personally I don’t like to emphasis about Mr.Mateen’s race background but it is very strange  that astromap, both Lines link from Orland to New York also pass by Afghanistan where his parents from as in the media he has been indicate as Afghanistan descent.

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Fixed Satrs Parans

I try to add a little bit Fixed star parans on the 12 Jun 2016 in Orlando

Menkar as Heliacal star

Algol is on rising when Pluto is Culminating ( on Mc)


Aldebaran is rising when Sun is rising

Antares is on Nadir when Moon is  Culminating ( on Mc)

Menkar is rising when mars is setting


for Mr Mateen both his Sun and Moon were parans with Menkar , Saturn on Nadir when Aldebaran is culminating.

It looks like Menkar (α) Cetus play an important role here , this fixed star locate on Cetus’s ( Sea monster ) mouth  , Ptolemy given Saturn nature and some astrologer does give Mars nature it also associated with Violence.

Venus out of Bound

 We all human and we do care each other , the only thing we can do is shows your humanity and love to each other .That is maybe what we can do for this event when it happened after Venus out of Bound.

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Update on 14 June 2016

Sad story, just saw  news about Mr Mateen did use Gay date app and he went to ” Pulse” several times and we know this maybe true that he have to hide his sexuality at home because of family and religion.

We should ask what made him doest this ? His usually bitch about his father … He even has visited Pulse several times. He got annoyed by two men kissing.

The fundamental cause of this tragedy is not extremism nor Muslim,This is a tragedy about people who have issue to accept their own sexuality. This is a one of tragedies that  people suffering from the discrimination because of their sexuality. Is about how could we offer better environment to support them. We know we can change this by open our arms and treat each other with respect.   

Again Venus is out of bound , love is out of control , maybe is is a best time to worship Venus by recognise “ Love “ is me, and I am love.

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Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.

3 thoughts on “2016 Orlando nightclub shooting”

  1. Hello Rod. I know this is not universally understood but when there is a ‘righteous’ aspect to an event Venus is often involved. Athena carries her scales of judgement and pronounces on right and wrong, good and bad. Libra is Aries alter ego. Venus does not like blood but having passed judgement she sends the Aries warrior in to fight the battle. Bush, Thatcher, Blair, they were all Librans. In my view Mars anger alone can be blamed for sudden impulsive angry attacks but horrific mass murders, such as the twin towers and this, usually have a ‘righteous’ aspect. The perpetrator does not just feel angry, he feels justified by righteousness, he is acting out of ‘goodness’ to annihilate what he has judged as ‘bad’. On this chart an Aries Uranus is quite closely aspecting Venus, isn’t it? And Mars is in Scorpio, and Pluto, Scorpio’s ruler, is in Capricorn, both talking to Uranus. That brings Saturn in religious Sag into the story square the Jupiter Neptune opposition very near the nodes. Now we are back to the Chiron Sun Moon T square, aren’t we – and back to Venus again? I read a Grand National chart like this once – the chart was Mercury ruled and Mercury was conjunct Venus and Venus was backed up by Saturn in her sign Libra (which was making her somewhat authoritative about good manners) and she was square an exuberant egoistic Mars in Leo. I could see Mercury, with Venus’ prompting, telling Mars ‘don’t push it.’ There was a horse called ‘Don’t Push It’, he won the race!

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