Mundane Astrology Forecasting : Cancer Ingress 2016

Every year in June when the sun arrives at its furthest point from the celestial equator in the northern hemisphere, the longest day of the year marks the start of Summer in northern hemisphere (and winter in the  southern hemisphere). As the longest day, the Summer Solstice has an important meaning in many different cultures. In Britain and northern Europe Midsummer Day (24th June in UK) is related to the summer solstice,  We can still see Pagan worship of the Sun rise at stonehenge on this day.  In ancient China, the summer solstice was an official holiday and there is records of Ladies giving fans and sachets to each other as gifts.  Fans to use for chills and sachets to work against flies and bugs.  Some researchers believe that the famous dragon boat festival in East Asia (Japan, Taiwan, Laos and China)  are also related to the Summer Solstice.


For astrologers, the Summer Solstice is an important day as the Sun reaches the highest point in northern hemisphere and is going to change direction towards the South.  The word solstice comes from the Latin, solstitium , sol = sun and stit =  stationary.

For the Solstice in June,  the Sun stops going further North and moves towards the South. For Astrologers who use tropical zodiac, Sun moves into Cancer on this day. 


 pic from Nasa website:

Although astrologers influence is not as powerful as before, in the Mundane events, we can still see the remains of the influence on the World Map.  The Solstice happens because Earth tilts  at 23° 26’, this make us believe the sun is traveling up and down (North and South) around Equator.  During the Summer Solstice, the Sun reaches 23° 26’  North and stops going further North.  Our ancestors call this line on the latitude “Tropic of Cancer “.  Algeria, Egypt, India, Taiwan, China, Mexico and Bahamas are the countries near this latitude.

Astrologers believe that the four cardinal signs are like milestones on the zodiac, to mark seasonal change. Aries ingress for the Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, Cancer ingress for Summer, Libra ingress for Autumn and Capricorn ingress suggests the beginning of Winter in Northern Hemisphere and it is start of Summer for the Southern Hemisphere.

As we believe that Sun move into Cardinal sign as a beginning point of season, Mundane astrologers  also use it to forecast seasonal events usually combined with other techniques such as Eclipses, Lunation,  Country’s natal chart (and any transit, progression ) and  planetary synod circles.

Full moon Cancer ingress

This year, Cancer ingress of the Sun happens on 20 June 2016 at 22:34 UT (23:34 BST). It is a Full Moon so this is a season where we can witness the results of our past achievements. It is also a testing moment for relationships and cooperation between different countries and organisations. The Sun moves into Cancer opposite its ruler, the  Moon, in Capricorn which suggests division between people and strong disappointment of leadership in many countries and organisations.

Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Mercury form a grand cross suggesting conflict will continue and tension will increase. US and Australia still have elections going on. UK and EU have to build a better relationship and deal with the refugee crisis. The threat of financial crisis is building up and many bankers and economists are afraid to point them out. 

Meanwhile there are other aspects working together with this grand cross, Jupiter trine Pluto and Saturn trine with Uranus, both aspect in one way build up  the confidence of the financial market but also support the super rich continuing to dominate our life by influencing politicians with their patronage. For example, in the US presidential nomination race for the Democrat party, some supporter are really worried about Hillary Clinton and the big money behind her.  As we are in the end of the Uranus Pluto cycle, this is part of process where we can change our society toward better future. The problem is: are we going to do this gently or violently? As Jupiter trine Pluto and Saturn trine Uranus I believe the gentle way is more popular at the moment.      

As Full moon on the Cancer Ingress day, Where the Sun-Moon axis  locate suggest the area of focus.


EU and UK : This area has Full Moon on 5th-11th Axis, this suggest Sport, Game, Competition, Entreatment, show business, Birth rate, issues around Children, Social benefit, Charities, House of Lords, Local government against State or divisions in the Cabinet.  Which we already see happening and this Full moon on solstice will make it more obvious.  Moon in Capricorn in its Full, this suggests people have little power and are dominated by government or feelings of fear, as Saturn near the MC and Lord of 8th house Venus conjunct the Sun.

It does not matter if the UK votes for leave or not,  European countries still have to stay together to find solutions for the refugee crisis and the threat from terrorists, the growing fear and need for security and protection may increase the volume of extreme right-wing voices.       

US and Canada:US and Canada have Sun Moon Axis near 2-8 and Jupiter are very close to MC. There is uncertainty about the Economic and Political future but the optimistic view keeps people up.  Government will focus on finance and resources this summer, may be instability in the rest of the world will make the US dollar much stronger until the bubble bursts.

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Asian Pacific areas are more likely to focus on border disputes or any land problems (earthquake or landslide) as the Lord of 4th conjunct the Sun in solstice. Problems in the Public heath system, epidemics, police force and labor conflict as most countries have Full moon axis near 6-12 axis. Australia has Pluto rule 4th on Descendent , apart from problems of Land and House, this could also suggest political tension as near the election, also we can expect fear and unpleasant events during this season.


Important dates:

Here is few dates I will suggest people and organisation do extra careful in certain area of life. 

13-30 June Venus out of Bound: Art, Love, female affairs could be focus of news.  Markets go crazy as we already see the stock market has fallen since early June. The Orlando shooting brings out the inequality of LGBTQ group, and UK has seen a female MP being shot dead during this time.

28th June to 9th July Mercury out of Bound: Student, Transport, information could be the focus in News.

19 June – 11 July and 8th August  – 31st October:19 June – 11 July  Mars Stationary 23 Scorpion and 8th August  – 31st October Mars out of Bound: conflict and violence levels will going up globally.    

23 July – 5th Aug Uranus stationary on 24 Aries : another extremely  unsettled time, events happening during this time could be very shocking, happening suddenly with no way to escape.     

10-17 August Saturn stationary on 9 Sagittarius as it happens together with Mars out of Bound the suggests increasing levels of violence and conflict, Saturn is stationary and suggests authority and right wing parties will gain some power and support during this time.

As Summer solstice is a part of the Mundane forecasting skill I will always take other techniques into account a well. Solar Eclipse and Country chart and leader’s birth chart  would be also important.  For example, for UK, Saturn is on the angle in both March 2016 Solar Eclipse chart and Cancer Ingress chart this suggests the Saturnian experience of holding back, decreasing, depression would certainly appear for this summer. For US, as Jupiter and Chiron near MC/IC in the Cancer ingress chart,  this will trigger Jupiter and Chiron ’s influence as both Planets are opposite and conjunct with Solar Eclipse New Moon. For China it would be repeat of 6-12 houses issues and also beware of violent events or conflicts with other countries, as Mars on the Descent of Eclipse chart and Pluto on the Descent of Cancer Ingress chart.


Another technique I usually use is Astromap , The astromap on the 2016 Cancer Ingress  where outer planets pass are more likely to have important event or crisis happen .

Cancer Ingress Astromap

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Asia: Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam,  Philippine, Taiwan, South East China, South Japan, North East India, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, South of Australia (VIC TAS)

Europe and Africa: Turkey, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Poland, Croatia, Senegal, Canary islands, Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia.

America: North west States of US, Vancouver, Texas (Houston), Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois (Chicago ), New York , New Jersey, Pennsylvania

Mexico most Central and South America countries …


Again there are still influence of the Solar Eclipse in March so I also list those areas and add stars if it has been influenced by both Solar Eclipse and Cancer Ingress chart.

Solar Eclipse 2016 Astromap

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Southern and South Eastern Australia**, Northern Queensland (Mars, Saturn)

Coastal region of Western New Zealand (Pluto)

Central China (Longitude: 102E-112E), Vietnam**, Myanmar**, Malaysia**, Indonesia**, Singapore**, Thailand** (Longitude: 102E-112E) (Uranus, Pluto)

India (Chiron, Saturn)

Afghanistan, Pakistan (Mars, Neptune)

Europe & Africa:

Sweden, Poland**, Czech, Austria**, Croatia**, Slovakia, Italy, Eastern Germany** (Longitude: 11E-16E) (Uranus)  Spain (Pluto) Coastal Region of North-western Africa ** (Saturn, Chiron, Pluto, Neptune)

North & South America: Western South America, Columbia, Peru, Chile (Uranus, Pluto)**Mid-West of North America (Longitude:101W-111W) (Saturn) (112W-122W) (Mars)***

I mark out the areas have affected by both Cancer Ingress 2016 and March 2016 Solar Eclipse


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Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.